

前段时间,外国Quora问答网站贴出一个问题:为何世界不信任中国?(Why doesn’t the world trust China?),引起了国外网友热议,让我们看看他们是怎么说的。



Why doesn’t the world trust China?


Jon Mixon, Greatest country on Earth. Several times in the past.

Updated Oct 17 · Upvoted by Marc Bodnick, Former Stanford PhD student in Politics

Some thoughts:

1、ts history –

2、Its opaque internal and external policies – If China’s motive were clearcut and open, the world may still not trust China, but they might be more willing to understand it. However by constantly keeping almost everything it thinks and does internally a secret, most other nations have no other choice but to distrust China.



3、Its unnecessary bullying of weaker nations – From India to Mongolia to Tibet to Vietnam,China constantly bullies, harasses, and eventually conquers its neighbors. Japan and S. Korea have every right to distrust China, given its history with its bordering neighbors.

4、China’s inability to translate many portions of its culture to wider audiences – Like it or hate it, the US’ culture is on display for all to see. China’s culture has translated poorly throughout the world and as a result, people feel uncomfortable with it as a nation.



5、Too many people – There are more people in China than there are in all of the nations of the New World combined. There are as many people in China as there are in Europe and Africa combined. China’s population has continued beyond what are reasonable or sane levels for it to do so. Since there are several countries which are lightly populated around or near China (Mongolia, Australia and Eastern Russia) and China hasn’t made its future goals clear, it is certainly understandable why those countries would be very wary of China.

Unless or until China starts to realize the above and changes their strategies and tactics accordingly, the world will continue to view it only as a potential market for goods, a place to obtain loans and a potential enemy which needs to be contained or defeated.



译文来源:Quora中文网 http://quora123.com/348.html

Terry Drinkwater, thoroughly Americanized

Updated Jul 27, 2015

China is changing rapidly. Change, even change for the better, threatens the status quo–in particular, the people who benefit from the status quo.

China is rapidly gaining global influence. Its rise threatens the dominance of established powers, and allows it to project power across Southeast Asia and Africa. Its massive and modernizing population implies the continuation of this trend.

China has many legitimate historical grudges against many other world powers. So those powers are justifiably nervous about the steps China can take in the name of reclaiming what it could have been without being repeatedly bashed with the Open Door, the Opium Wars, and similar. They have to hope China will be kinder to them than they were to China.




China has even more of a tradition of self-contained policy and secrecy than most powerful countries. Amplify the intentional lack of transparency with a one-way language barrier–China can speak out in English, but most outside China cannot speak back in Chinese–and uncertainty and doubt take hold.

All of this is legitimated, in the minds of foreigners, by what they have learned about China in the modern era, which boils down to Mao, pollution, the Great Firewall, Shenzhen industry, With only that level of insight into China’s society, who wouldn’t be wary?




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