






I have an Indian friend. I will quote his experience to answer this question.


From 2007 to 2008, he opened a furniture store in India. By 2012, his debt had reached 29.8 billion rupees. My friend’s house is at risk of being auctioned off. The reason for business failure is not because of bad luck or poor ability, but because of the rampant bribery in India, the extremely low official efficiency leading to license extension, supplier quality fraud, etc.


Later, he managed to go to China, bought an aquatic company at the price of US $1.3 million, imported aquatic products to India at an average price of US $240 (US $110 plus import), and then sold them to Indian suppliers at the price of 20000 rupees each.


It took him four days to get the business registration in China and 14 days to get the export license. Every penny he spent will be registered on the receipt. Within a year, he recovered his strength and began to pay off his debts to postpone the precarious property auction.


Then he managed to set up a furniture factory in Shenzhen. This was not a small investment, but it took him only more than 70 days from the start of construction to the opening. Despite high tariffs, high-quality furniture (not teak or mahogany of course) is much better than most Indian assembled furniture.


By 2014, his loan was settled, his property was safe and sound, and he began to buy new plots to expand his business territory. His Chinese managers and friends often visited him and visited Bodhgaya and other places. Although he is an Indian and a foreigner, the Chinese financing he obtained was entirely based on commercial feasibility.



Then he turned to artificial diamonds. A diamond necklace worth $320, made of lifelike looking stones, he obtained the license and registered for business again -2-3 weeks. He made a fortune again by designing, manufacturing and selling “artificial diamond jewelry” in tanishq or ddamas. He finally settled down and his daughter is studying medicine in China.


So we can know:


• China is a booming market economy, rather than a closed and backward planned economy. There are many business opportunities here. Even setting up a small enterprise can make you rich. Financing in China is a very convenient thing.


Like any other prosperous country, it has ferries and ultra efficient trains, and electronic products are very cheap. A $4 hairdryer has been used for nearly two years.


After you arrived in China, all the myths and rumors were dispelled. China is only a normal prosperous country, not a rigid police country full of socialist policies. I believe it will certainly become a world-class leader in all aspects.




I lived there for eleven years. Now I know that China is better than my motherland Britain in many ways, and much better than the United States I heard of. Most importantly, I have completely changed my view of Chinese women.


Like many foreigners, I somehow believe that “western” women are more free than Asian women. After coming to China, I saw a large number of Chinese women working in the field of science and leadership positions. I felt a cultural shock. In my university, the new party secretary (an important position) is a woman in her thirties, quite young. In my three years in China, I met more female engineers, physicists and chemists than in my thirty years in the West. I even saw women workers building roads and carrying rocks in Yunnan. This kind of hard physical labor is almost completely completed by men in the West.



Although there are still undisputed sexism in China, for example, the guy from Tsinghua University who took me out on a date just told me that if we got married, he would make all important decisions, which is very male chauvinism. However, I soon learned that Chinese women are not as shy and shy as Western stereotypes, but are strong and outspoken.


This is the first time in my life that I have experienced a feeling that I will be respected intellectually. I am occasionally disrespected for my ethnic origin or status, but no one has ever questioned my intelligence and ability to think rationally according to gender.


These experiences have not only changed my understanding of China, but also changed the way I view my own cultural origins. I realize that progress is not linear. We are no more “advanced” than other countries. I also realize how many unconscious sexism exist in western universities and workplaces, and how normal it is for westerners to belittle women more persuasively than men to some extent. I am more confident in my intelligence and more respectful of Chinese culture, but I am ashamed to realize that my assumptions are wrong.


In addition, China is more secure and stable, and its people are friendly and wise.


Many ignorant right-wing journalists who have never been to China have written down what they think of China according to their morbid fantasies on the brainwashing media supported by the United States. He imagined China as a smoky and oppressive country, but I know that China has many beautiful natural scenic spots and clean air in cities. Religious tolerance. I went to churches, stayed in Buddhist temples for meditation, and visited Taoist temples. Social life is free, there is not so much political correctness, and real life is much freer than in the West.


I have been to many cities and traveled in the countryside. I also have many Muslim friends, including Uygur friends. I don’t know what idiot demons are in the minds of many Westerners (mainly the media), but I think it’s crazy when people who have never been to China tell me that my experience is wrong and their hateful dark fantasy is true. The madness of western Anti China sentiment will exacerbate their collapse.


I would rather live in a civilized China all my life than in the United States or Britain where crime is rampant and corruption is unbearable.




Before my visit, I had many prejudices against China. I am a European who often travels to the United States, so I have a Western centric view. After China, everything has changed. Basically, most prejudices have disappeared:


Prejudice 1: China is a backward developing country


In the most populous urban areas, China is obviously no less than Europe and the United States. China has the latest roads, bridges, tunnels, subways, railway stations, airports, planes and so on. Its infrastructure is amazing. It is definitely not like a “developing country”. By contrast, New York’s slow and noisy subway and rugged roads have not been repaired for decades.


Some people say that many parts of China are obviously underdeveloped. Although this is true, I have a very subtle view on it. First of all, from a statistical point of view, China is the country that has raised the largest number of people from the poor to the middle class in the shortest time in history.


Let’s consider the size of China’s population: 1.4 billion, too much. We need to have a concept of this figure. I made a comparison. China’s 1.4 billion population = the sum of EU + Russia + Ukraine + Belarus + Turkey + the United States + Canada + Mexico, so it is all the western world + some surrounding countries. Among them, poverty exists in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Turkey, Mexico, rural America and several European countries.


I say this because we obviously have to treat China as a country, but let us realize what 1.3 billion people are. Because of this fact, when we read the news of “China’s high-speed train derailed, XX people died” or “China’s coal mine collapsed, XX people died” in the west, I laughed when most people said “Oh, China, look at how bad everything is”. Wow… If we take into account all the problems that have occurred in the EU + Eastern Europe + Turkey + North America + Mexico and report them like a country, in this sense, we will have much more problems than China.


So I apply the same principle to the poor areas in China: Yes, of course, there are extremely poor areas, and there will always be. In any case, people are more and more attracted by cities, so it is difficult for the western mountainous areas and other areas with small population to survive. It is such a large country that it is impossible to solve all the poverty problems so easily, so the achievements so far are impressive.


Prejudice 2: China is dangerous


People often think that the Chinese are “sneaky”. I don’t know where it came from. I am surprised that during my ten day trip to China, I did not encounter any danger or embarrassment in China. It’s very safe here and people are very honest. At night in Europe, in a city like Paris, you feel insecure. Groups of single men gather to intimidate random people. In Italy and Spain, your bag is often stolen. Everyone is very honest with us. In some cases, people can easily deceive us without any effort, but they have never done so, not even taxi drivers. The Chinese people are great.


Prejudice 3: China’s environment is very dirty


China was once heavily polluted, but now you can hardly see pollution with your eyes in big cities. How green China is in terms of vegetation. They pay great attention to beauty, while city parks are exciting. There are green, beautiful and huge vegetation everywhere. The degree of air pollution is in direct proportion to the beauty and cleanliness of the park.


China is amazing. It will replace the United States as the next world leader. I have no doubt about it. Most Westerns have absolutely wrong views on many levels. The Chinese are smart and willing to solve major problems such as pollution. It is only a matter of time.


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