






Many people say that China is going further and further on the road of a modern country, and seems to have been westernized in many aspects. Some people doubt whether China has lost its own tradition and culture.


Yes, to some extent, it is. On the surface, China seems to be more Westernized now, but in essence, it still retains its own culture.


Culture is passed down from generation to generation and accumulated and developed in inheritance. Hall’s iceberg culture model (1976) shows that the appearance of a society is not the whole picture of its culture, such as the appearance of the city, people’s clothes, cars, daily necessities, etc. the most important part of it is invisible beliefs and core values.




Many Chinese now like Western goods, brands, TV programs and even lifestyles. Globalization has contributed to this cultural phenomenon. However, the Chinese people’s views on Western imported goods, their attitude towards imported goods, and the way they use imported goods still retain their own characteristics.


Specifically, let’s talk about the long-standing intangible values that constitute the core of Chinese culture: harmony, relationship, human feelings and face. These values are particularly important when doing business in China.


Harmony is the ultimate goal of Chinese people’s daily life and communication. It is not only the cornerstone of maintaining social stability, but also the core value of Confucian culture. It was even written into China’s constitution a few years ago.


Interpersonal relationships weave countless individuals into a dense network. China is a typical collectivist society. People have very close ties with their families and people they know.


Nowadays, relationship is still very important for Chinese people. Everyone is in the relationship network, which is their biggest living and working resources. If you do business with Chinese people, you will feel the importance of relationship and human feelings.


Human relationship means resource replacement and emotional communication. It is a social currency among members of social groups in the relationship network. Through the use of human relations, interdependent people can interact harmoniously. In today’s China, as long as the relationship exists, human relations will not die out.


Face is a person’s public self-image, which shows his social status and prestige in social communication. Lin Yutang, the great scholar, told the West 80 years ago that “face is what Chinese men strive for and women sacrifice”.

面子是一个人的公众自我形象,在社会交往中显示他的社会地位和威望。林语堂, 这位伟大的学者在80年前告诉西方,“面子是中国男人为之奋斗、女人为之牺牲的东西”。

It is still the case today. Face is everything to the Chinese people. They try their best to improve their image (and their family). They dress up themselves with Western luxury goods and show their success and social status with iPhones and luxury cars, which brings them face.


From the above brief introduction, you can clearly understand Chinese culture from the perspective of invariable values of Chinese culture. Every culture in the world is constantly developing, especially when surrounded by many other cultures.


However, China has continuously formed and consolidated its own culture in nearly 3000 years. Up to now, only 40 years of opening to the West has not fundamentally changed anything.




Yes, but I prefer to call it “modernization”. I think we have not done enough in this regard. We should return modernization to classics in order to make this ancient civilization lasting for thousands of years take on a new look.


This is my personal view. Most Chinese people think we are too “Westernized”. We should “go westernized” and carry forward the “great Chinese traditional culture”, such as Chinese traditional medicine, morality, literature, art, lifestyle and so on.


For your question, I can firmly tell you that in addition to Chinese food and Chinese characters (only referring to Chinese characters themselves, not words and sentences), we have become modern to a great extent. We can say that we are the most westernized people in East Asia.


Many modern Chinese words come from Japan and Western countries, such as labor, science, communication and other words. They originated in the western world during the industrial revolution, and then translated into China by Japan.


As for clothing, as like as two peas in the west, we are almost bold and open. Three hundred years ago, after the founding of the Qing Dynasty, our traditional costumes changed greatly. Now some folk experts and folk fans are trying to restore Hanfu tradition and save the traditional folk costume of the Han nationality.


In urban areas, most people live in apartment buildings; In rural areas, most people live in bungalows or two-story houses, which are built of reinforced concrete, and there are few traditional buildings in museums or tourist areas.


Transport vehicles, trains, high-speed trains and planes, and the transportation network covers the whole country.


Many of our political systems follow the example of the long dead Soviet Union, such as the socialist system, the people’s Congress, the grass-roots democratic system and so on.


At the beginning of reform and opening up in 1978, we implemented an economic system combining the socialist planned economic system and the capitalist free market economic system. Later, China’s economic system has been developing in reform.


In terms of finance, we have state-owned banks, insurance companies, stock and bond markets, which are second only to the United States.


We also have kindergartens, distance education schools, junior and senior high schools, universities and colleges, research institutions, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, degree system and so on, just like most western countries.


Our legal system originated in the long-standing Soviet Union. It has the same root and homology with the civil law system originated in France.


As a foreigner, I have lived in Hong Kong for 25 years and traveled almost all over China. My company has offices in Fujian, Yiwu and Guangzhou, so I have a good understanding of Chinese culture and traditions.




1) All Chinese, whether living on the mainland or overseas, are very friendly, conservative and traditional. They are proud of their traditions.

1) 所有的中国人,无论是生活在大陆还是海外,都非常友好、保守和传统,他们为自己的传统感到自豪。

2) I find them more modern than westernized ones. They like western movies, music and brand clothing, watches, shoes, cars, food and other consumer goods, which constitute a bridge for people’s daily conversation and contact.

2) 我发现它们比西方化的更现代。他们喜欢西方电影、音乐和品牌服装、手表、鞋子、汽车、食品和其他消费品,这些构成了人们日常的谈资和联系的桥梁。

For most Chinese people, money and status are very important. Expensive brand goods are used to show their high value, and can show their status and circle.


3) Most Chinese, whether rich, educated or accustomed to Western lifestyles, tend to be more traditional.

3) 大多数中国人,无论是富有的、受过教育的还是习惯于西方的生活方式,他们往往更传统。

4) They tend to reserve their opinions, do not share their problems with others, and are often too cautious compared with foreigners.


In China, “face” is a term with very cultural connotation. “Face” is very important to Chinese people. You can understand it as dignity, but it’s more than that.


5) It is generally believed that Western values are incompatible with traditional Chinese values, so many words and actions of Westerners often make them feel strange. In Hong Kong, foreigners are sometimes referred to as “ghost guys”, and foreigners are usually regarded as “outsiders” in Hong Kong.

5)人们普遍认为,西方的价值观与中国传统价值观格格不入,因此西方人的许多言辞和行为常令他们感到匪夷所思。在香港外国人有时被称为“鬼佬”, 外国人在香港通常被认为是“局外人”。

My observation is that Chinese social traditions and even slightly conservative cultural ideas are deeply rooted, and the influence of the West cannot have any obvious influence.


The influence of the west is limited to the extent that it is beneficial to them and helps them interact with others, but it will never change the basic characteristics of the traditional society of an ancient civilization.


Modern, westernized and traditional Chinese people are different. You can’t replace one with another.


I think it’s good to keep and preserve our own culture. At the same time, it’s best not to be too rigid and take the initiative to adapt to modern culture.


In Hong Kong, local Chinese celebrate the Lantern Festival, Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Chinese New Year. They are proud to preserve their culture, but also very modern and forward-looking.


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