



Richard Sharpe

Uk has followed the wrong country. I’m UK citizens and feel we have just put the country back 5o years in tech terms. By the time the uk rolls out 5G 6G will be available in China and Asia with tech light years ahead. Stupidity for following orange man



NO.It’s a British political tradition. Think with me about these two questions: who will be President of the United Stateson December 31, 2020, and who will be Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 2027. I’m ChineseI I believe the UK have a lot of wisdom



@ newdoors Clearly you were never been born and raised in Britain.Wisdom’? Who ever called anyone that in Britain?You have no idea what kind of idiots are running this country and the types to screw the citizens over.


yes Mmm

I came to Vancouver in 2015. Both Vancouver and Shenzhen are immigrant cities Internet services in Vancouver are now struggling at 150-300M bps, while Shenzhen has achieved 500-1000Mbps.



Oyes Mmm Oops, Australia left the chat room

yes Mmm,哎呀,澳大利亚离开了聊天室。(注:讽刺澳大利亚聊天都会掉线)

Eric Ren

yes! because it is how this world works!


Ka Ching

@zSZS100 China has never been a superpower. There was no such thing thousands of years ago.



@Ka Ching Facts say they have, but hey u can have your opinions. I guess the earth is flat too. xD

Ka Ching,事实就是如此,但是你可以有你的意见。我想地球也是平的。



@ramk eenav Um, learning is part of the process and the US got a lot of German tech and copied them after 1945. You don’t go from zero to US level overnight. And many Russian weapons are sold with the licence to produce AND upgrade to better versions so its not really copying anyway in that regard. U learn, modify it to best suit your needs, and as u get better and better, u can design new toys best suited for u. (Type 003 electromagnetic launch Type 055 destroyer, etc). Keep on with the everything is copied bias, the reality is everyone copies and as u learn and get better start inovating and others will copy u. (Huawei 5G for example).ramk eenav



It’s American Trap, Just like what happened to Alstom the French and Toshiba the Japan. The US is trying to steal everything, the World.


Nisong Laos

UK left EU for independence, but it is now a dependant of US.


Good Life

How ironic!



The 5ist state of the US


The Quantum Alchemist

You know that is something we in the EU tried to warn the british of multiple times but they didn’tlisten, now they start reaping what they sowed.



@YE thats already taken by Australia UK is the 52nd States


com ZSZS100

Oramk eenav WRONG. Those companies are banned cuz they refuse to accept Chinese law. Huawei is banned with zero evidanceof spying, and was investigated for a decade and nothing was found. During this time multiple backdoors was found is US products such as CISCO The US is trying hard to delay the inevitable. China has been a superpower both militarily and economically for thousands of years and its only during the 1900s that they have taken a break. This is largely do to their geography and population Their bans on Huawei will only make them more self sufficient, like how China self sufficent in its military hardwareright now after that embargo, vs India still reliant on other country to give them equipment and ammo still. The US decisions ultimately hurts everyone including themselves and just ultimately makes China even more self sufficient in the longrun, as well as creating competition and causing their own big companies to lose A LOT of money.

@ramk eenav,错了。这些公司被禁止,因为它们拒绝接受国法律。英国没有任何华为从事间谍活动的证据,却禁止华为华为公司被调查了10年,但没有任何发现。在此期间,多个后门在美国产品思科上被发现。美国正努力拖延不可避免的局面。几千年来,中国在军事和经济上都是超级大国,只是在20世纪初才衰落了一段时间 这主要是由于中国的地理位置和人口。英美对华为的禁令只会让中国更自给自足,比如在(对中国实施武器)禁运后,中国的军事装备马上实现了自给自足,而印度仍然依赖其他国家提供装备和弹药。美国的决定最终伤害了包括他们自己在内的所有人,并最终使中国在长期内更加自给自足,同时也创造出竞争者,使英美自己的大公司损失了很多钱。

ramk eenav

zsZS100 China stole USA, Russian military tech, reverse engineered them and calls themselves as self made. China don’t have their own jet engines and where is self reliance? China imports lots of military stuffs from Russia. S-400, su-35. does that ring a bell The aircraft carriers and submarines are all Soviet made. China making more enemies than friendsby threatening the same countries whom them do business with.


Australian Populism

Oramk eenay The fact is Huawei is far ahead of Eric and Nokia. There is no evidence to show the security issues. In reality, backdoor is a must in all tech. It’s all about politics. Don’t be the government repeater, think critically.

ramk eenav,事实上,华为远远领先于爱立信和诺基亚。没有证据表明(华为)存在安全问题事实上后门在所有技术中是一定存在的。(禁止华为)都是政治决定,不要成为政府的传声筒,要批判性地思考。


when you have 5 eyes, you are confused and have a bad focus on reality. Simple


Nicholas Foong

Headsup, another U-Turn might take place again in November. LOL


John Sandvik

Richard Sharpe In 1970 there were not many mobile phones or computers….. 5g is not a revolution, it have too many downsides to be the only system running. Fibre and routers are way better for private users. But in big cities 5g can revolutionise surveilance and controll of the masses.Combined with “social media” that lead people to think and do like programmed zoombies this will fill the pockets of thewealthy quicker. Environment footprints of constantl growing and power consuming products are another issue.Is 5g more resistant to EMP’s than fibre nettworks?

Richard Sharpe,在1970年(50年前),手机和电脑都少5G不是一场革命,它有太多的缺点,不能成为唯一运行的网络系统。光纤和路由器更适合私人用户。但在大城市,5G可以彻底改变对大众的监视和控制。再加上“社交媒体”,让人们像程式化的僵尸一样思考和行动,这将更快地填满富人的口袋。持续增长和耗电产品的环境影响是另一个问题5G对电磁脉冲武器的抵抗能力比光纤网络更强吗?


@John Sandvik Good point, its not like what James Watt did that triggered a revolution, but at least let’s consider it asa evolution.

John Sandik,很好的观点,5G并不会像瓦特所做的那样引发了一场(工业)革命,但至少让我们把它看作是一次进化。


YE false. The 51st state is Canada, 52nd is Australia, 53rd is UK. The US should add three stars on their national flag.


navegante zen

The UK left the EU to become the 51 star in the US flag


Nicholas Foong

The UK is trying hard to be US’s top lapdog but unfortunately, that title has been taken by India P Seriously, Merkel has more ‘balls’ than most of these men combined



ONicholas Foong Are you sure these so called men has balls? After all it is chump the clown and his niece said in her newbook what an insane lying wacko her uncle is.

Nicholas Foong,你确定这些所谓的男人有蛋蛋吗?毕竟(他们的主人是)小丑特朗普,他的侄女在她的新书中说,她的叔叔是一个疯狂的撒谎的疯子。

gaoda cheese

Yup, UK is following their master’s plan


Zhou Xu

The whole EU is a dependent of the US.


KK Jive

Everything has become politicized, this is terrible.


ramk eenav

Facebook, google, twitter, Whatsapp are all banned in the China coz of security risk When West does the same, China cries foul!

脸书、谷歌、推特、 Whatsapp都在中国被,因为存在安全隐患!当西方做同样的事情时,中国就大喊犯规


ramk eenav yes China is crying

ramk eenav,是的,中国哭了。

Max Li

ke is taaa. com o

Oramk eenav yeah china is crying cause the UK market is “huge”right?

ramk eenav,是的,中国哭了,因为英国市场“很大”,对吗?

Yi Luciano

ramk eenav LOL you think 5G is same thing like google and YouTube? Thats the fourth industrial revolution. Believe it or not, UK and US will get much more damage compared to China banned YouTube and Google. It’s like China banned steam enginebut UK banned electricity. Understand it? Ban 5G means ban next industrial revolution. You can wait for 5 years and look who will cry. Time has changed dude. You have to accept China is not that weak country anymore.ramk eenav,,,哈哈,你认为5G和谷歌、油管是一样的吗?5G就是第四次工业革命。信不信由你,英国和美国受到的损害要比



Yi Luciano Ik and I agree with you


Nisong Laos

OZhou Xu no, EU is not depending on the US, but controlled by US. EU wants independence. Ironically, UK wanted independence from EU but turns out to be depending on US. UK can’t get away from the control of US, sadly, many people are willingto be controlled. That is on a racial ground. Not wise. Can UK be like Swiss, being neutral and being able to do business with everyone? US won’t allow it



OMinesweeper /e US don’t treat Canada, Australia and UK like another 3 states, but as vassal When US demands, these vassals will have to comply! Remember how US ban 3M from sending masks to Canada? US treat everybody like vassals!Minesweeper/e





Daniel Xu

What’s even more ironic is that the first generation of Americans were from the UK except the indigenous people. It’s like the son has taken place of the dad


Zhang Harry

Oramk eenav you are wrong because Facebook,google, twitter, whats app, they didnt follow China’s regulation of internet,if they obey, they can operate in China. However USA and UK banned Huawai directly even Huawei obey their regulation.This is politics ,It is not issue of security. I am shame of USA and UK

ramk eenav,你错了,因为脸书、谷歌、推特 Whatsapp没有遵守中国的互联网规则,如果遵守,他们可以在中国运营。然而,美国和英国直接禁止华为,即使华为遵守他们的规定。这是政治问题,不是安全问题。我为美国和英国感到羞耻。


OMinesweeper /e too small market smaller than China one province. So China cry because of this?



actually, google gave up the chinese mainland market for that it didn’t follow the rules in china


Australian Pqpulism

Oramk eenav 5g is the future whereas fb, youtube, whatsapp are replaceable easily

@ramk eenav,5G是未来,而脸书、油管和 wh atsapp都很容易被替代

ramk eenav

@Australian Populism Huawei is not the only company doing 5G. There is Ericsson, Nokia. So banning Huawei is not like banning 5G! Yes, it takes time, but it is all upto what people are ready to compromise on. Security or the time Point is,do you trust Chinese supplier

Australian Papulism,华为不是唯家从事G业务的公司,还有爱立信,诺基亚,所以禁止华为不是禁止5G是的,这需要时间,但这完全取决于人们愿意对什么妥协,安全还是时间?关键是,你信任中国供应商吗?

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