

最近,美国知乎Quora问答网站贴出一个问题:为什么中文没“进化”到使用字母表呢?(Why didn’t Chinese evolve to use some form of alphabet?),引起了国外网友热议,让我们看看他们都是怎么说的吧。


Mats Andersson, Professional translator, B. Sc. in Physics, M. Sc. in Applied Computer Science

Answered Dec 28 · Upvoted by Logan R. Kearsley, MA in Linguistics from BYU, 8 years working in research for language pedagogy.

The reason is political. “Chinese” is, linguistically speaking, not a language, but a group of languages. The spoken languages are no more similar to each other than English and German, and are not mutually intelligible. Consequently, any writing system based on pronunciation—like alphabets or syllabic scripts—would have to be based on one of the Chinese “province languages”, and could not be understood by anyone from the wrong province, any more than the average Englishman is able to read and write German.


With ideograms, the entire country can share one writing system. It will not matter that the ideograms have wildly different pronunciations: they will stand for the same concept. You can imagine English and German using the same symbol for “bicycle”, a small stylised picture of a bike, maybe consisting only of a pedal and four spokes so that you wouldn’t recognise it. It doesn’t matter that it’s pronounced “Fahrrad” in German—as long as you use the little picture, you both understand, much like the Smiley is used in virtually all languages today.



William Fisher, Speaks Chinese

Answered Thu · Upvoted by Logan R. Kearsley, MA in Linguistics from BYU, 8 years working in research for language pedagogy.

Tell me which is easier to read:

xià mén shì ( mǐn nán yǔ : xià mén shì , bái huà zì : ē -bn ? g-chh ī , mǐn pīn : ê -bb ń g-c ? , guó jì yīn biāo : / e ? ? b ? ? ? ? ? ? i ? ? / ( shà mén huà dú yīn ) , yóu zhèng shì pīn yīn : Amoy ( lái zì zhāng zhōu huà dú yīn ) ) , bié chēng lù dǎo , jiǎn chēng lù , shì zhōng huá rén mín gòng hé guó 15 gè fù shěng jí chéng shì zhī yī , wǔ gè jì huá dān liè shì zhī yī ; shì zhōng guó zuì zǎo shí xíng duì wài kāi fàng zhèng cè dí sì gè jīng jì tè qū zhī yī , wǔ gè kāi fā kāi fàng lèi guó jiā zōng hé pèi tào gǎi gé shì yàn qū zhī yī ( jí 「 xīn tè qū 」 ) ; shà mén piàn qū nà rù zhōng guó zuì zǎo dí sì gè zì yóu mào yì shì yàn qū zhī yī 「 zhōng guó ( fú jiàn ) zì yóu mào yì shì yàn qū 」 , wéi liǎng àn xīn xīng chǎn yè hé xiàn dài fú wù yè hé zuò shì fàn qū 、 dōng nán guó jì háng yùn zhōng xīn 、 liǎng àn qū yù xìng jīn róng fú wù zhōng xīn hé liǎng àn mào yì zhōng xīn 。 2016 nián , xià mén shì shì qū jiàn chéng qū 334 . 64 píng fāng gōng lǐ , zhǔ chéng qū rén kǒu 392 wàn , liǎng xiàng shù jù jūn jū fú jiàn dì yī wèi 。


廈門市(闽南语:廈門市,白話字:ē-bn?g-chhī,閩拼:ê-bbńg-c?,國際音標:/e?? b???? ??i??/





Without even second guessing myself I can fully understand the Chinese character version of this text.With your supposed “evolved” alphabet I would be spending a few minutes scratching my head trying to decipher what all the ambiguous alphabets mean.

I often see the argument for romanized Chinese come from non-chinese who don’t have much understanding of the written Chinese language. Some of them can spit out a few “你好吗’s” and “麦当劳在哪里’s” and they come to the conclusion, “Wow, this language is so simple, why even have characters?”



Well, I can tell you, try to read a few novels in Chinese before you state that the language is so simple. I would rather blow my brains out than attempt to read through a piece of Chinese literature only using pinyin. For things like simple 口语, I guess Pinyin could suffice. However, with all the idioms and literary styles (like in classical Chinese) that the written chinese language has to offer, it would be a pain to read because every time I don’t understand something I would have to go look it up in a dictionary.


For example, I just saw the idiom 花容月貌 , and I assumed that it had something to do with describing a beautiful woman or something, which seems to be the correct interpretation. However, if I saw this in pinyin I would once again have to look it up.


It honestly is a whole lot easier to just read Chinese in Chinese characters and not Pinyin. If you’re learning Chinese, then please learn it to the point where you can read literature. In my opinion, people who advocate fully romanizing Chinese and getting rid of the characters are either short sighted in the consequences or are ignorant of the complexities of written chinese, and the ambiguity and inefficiency in reading that romanizing the language would produce.

This is my opinion based in practicality.



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