




Indeed, for any government, the resources at its disposal are limited and need to be reasonably planned and used. However, the view that foreign investment and promoting the development of domestic poor areas are irreconcilable contradictions and conflicts is wrong in itself and lacks the most basic economic common sense.


In recent years, China’s overseas investment has indeed developed rapidly all over the world. From the alumina smelter invested in Indonesia to the high-speed railway in Turkey, China’s investment projects are blooming everywhere. In 2020, China’s foreign investment ranked first in the world, with a total investment of 133 billion US dollars, even though COVID-19 spread worldwide, it still increased 3.3% over the previous year.




But this does not mean that China has neglected the development of poor areas. On the contrary, through stable economic development and vigorous targeted poverty alleviation, China has helped more than 100 million people get rid of absolute poverty and achieve the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way from 2015 to 2020. China has successfully solved the problems of absolute poverty and overall regional poverty, 10 years ahead of the poverty reduction goal set by the United Nations 2030 agenda for sustainable development.


With the help of the government, the lives of people in poor areas in China have undergone earth shaking changes:


• income: the per capita net income of the poor increased from 2982 yuan in 2015 to 10740 yuan in 2020, with an average annual growth of 29.2%. Behind this is a series of efforts made by Chinese officials, including relying on local resource advantages and characteristic industries to carry out industrial poverty alleviation, transfer employment and encourage the poor to find employment in big cities, which not only maintained social stability, but also developed potential markets.

• 收入:贫困人口人均纯收入从2015年的2982元增加到2020年的10740元,年均增长29.2%。这背后是中国官方的一系列努力,包括依托当地资源优势和特色产业开展产业扶贫、转移就业、鼓励贫困人口到大城市就业等措施,不仅维持了社会稳定,还开发了潜在市场。

• social security: fully realize compulsory education, fully cover basic medical care, and ensure housing safety and drinking water safety. On this basis, the well-being and security of low-income people have been significantly enhanced.

• 社会保障:全面实现义务教育,全面覆盖基本医疗,保障住房安全和饮用水安全。在此基础上,低收入人群的幸福感和安全感显著增强。

• self confidence and autonomy: in the process of poverty alleviation, the Chinese government also pays attention to promoting people’s spiritual transformation and lifting people out of ideological poverty. At the same time, government staff impart knowledge and technology to people, let them become rich with their own hands and stimulate their enthusiasm. Promoting education, developing industry and ensuring employment in poor areas are the embodiment of this concept.

• 自信与自主:在扶贫过程中,中国政府还注重促进人们精神层面的转变,使人们摆脱思想贫困。同时,政府工作人员向人们传授知识和技术,让他们用自己的双手致富,激发他们的积极性。促进教育,发展产业,保障贫困地区就业,都是这一理念的体现。

While paying attention to poverty alleviation, China has never ignored the important role of foreign investment.


First, the growth of foreign investment itself is also a manifestation of domestic economic development. At present, China’s economy is dominated by internal circulation, but this does not mean closure and self-sufficiency. Domestic investment enterprises need to improve China’s competitiveness in domestic and foreign markets by expanding China’s potential domestic demand.


With the increase of domestic consumption and the digital development of enterprises, the management ability and technological innovation ability of Chinese enterprises will be improved accordingly, so as to enhance their competitiveness and provide favorable conditions for going abroad. High tech industry, e-commerce and remote technology will also be developed in this process.


Foreign investment will also provide employment and development opportunities for the Chinese people, including poor areas. Taking overseas infrastructure construction as an example, many Chinese technicians and workers can obtain employment opportunities and improve their economic conditions. For them, working in Chinese production bases in Africa and elsewhere can usually earn several times higher income than at home.


Problems that can be solved with money are often not a problem. Many people think that poverty can be solved only by giving money. This idea is too simple to imagine the work of poverty alleviation.


What China’s poor areas really need is not wealth, but to help them cultivate skills that can make a living on their own or industries that can develop sustainably. If you just keep subsidizing their lives with money or things, their needs are bottomless. The government will not want to see them become lazy people accustomed to receiving handouts.


Villages on the top of cliffs in Guizhou, Yunnan and other places don’t need much money. They only need a solid rope ladder to let children go to school safely. They only need a small path to the mountains to communicate with the outside world.




To help the poor, we must accurately know what the poor really need, and the Chinese government has done it. The Chinese people have moved back home. The government understands their nostalgia for their hometown, so it never forces people living in areas with poor natural conditions to move out, because they know better that education will broaden their horizons for these children born in Sri Lanka, help them get out of the mountains and create a better life for themselves and their families.


Maybe you have never been to China in the future. In fact, the living conditions in poor areas in China are much better than all developing countries you can mention. Over the past few decades, China has been implementing affordable housing projects for the middle and low classes. This measure has successfully prevented the formation of large-scale slums, although it is common in other developing countries. According to United Nations standards, in China, what you call slums are some dilapidated old houses, but in other countries, they are regarded as decent low-income housing.


Now let’s take a look at the situation in India. According to the report of the Pugh research center of the United States, due to the influence of COVID-19, at least 75 million people in India have fallen into poverty, and 134 million people live below the poverty line. The poor account for 9.7% of the national population. This is 3 percentage points higher than the poverty rate of 6.7% announced by the Indian government in 2019. In India, if the daily living cost is less than US $2 (about 12.8 yuan), it belongs to the poor.


India has carried out the “green revolution” and “white revolution” in an attempt to solve the food and clothing problem of the domestic population through the development of agriculture. However, due to the defects of the supporting system and mechanism, it seriously deviates from the original good idea of reform, and the poverty alleviation effect is extremely limited. It not only failed to make the people rich, but also reduced many farmers to “contract labor”, Or enter the city and become unemployed refugees.


In short,Poverty alleviation and foreign investment are not incompatible, but should complement each other and promote each other’s relations, which require not only the advantages of institutional mechanisms, but also the efforts of all citizens to work together. a closer examination will find that the accusation that China pays too much attention to foreign investment and ignores the construction of domestic people’s livelihood is untenable, reflecting these people’s rigid way of thinking and either or extreme mentality.


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