






The answer is that Japan does not have the basic resources and conditions to become a superpower.


The term “superpower” was first proposed by William T. R. fox in 1944, when he listed the United States, the Soviet Union and the British Empire as superpowers.


From a political point of view, a superpower is a national entity that can influence and dominate major events around the world, because it controls more economic and military resources than all other sovereign countries in the world.


On a broader scale, I use the descriptive term “continental power”, which has little to do with modern definitions.


The oldest “continental power” is the Persian Empire, which controlled most of the civilized Middle East as early as the 5th century BC. Anyone must deal with Persians, which means dealing with a large country whose population and resources are completely beyond its ability.




China has always been a “continental power” in history. During this period, it was often in a unified state and effectively governed. In some of these periods, it was not necessarily dominant militarily or even aggressive, such as the Song Dynasty. Rome was also a continental power in its heyday. It was the Abbasid Caliph in the 8th century and the Mongolian Empire in the 13th century.


During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, China was still a continental power, but according to Fox’s definition, it was not a real “superpower” because it had little interest in the world outside East Asia. At the same time, the Mughal Empire in India is a continental force, as is the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East.


When Europeans developed marine tourism and commerce, Spain once became a maritime power under the Habsburg dynasty. It made full use of the natural resources of the Americas and the industrial and banking resources of Spain and the Netherlands, but failed to become a superpower due to the low efficiency of the government.


The Habsburg family could not establish an efficient central government to stabilize their rule, mobilize their wealth and modernize and enrich Spain.


It was the British who finally came up with a plan to organize the land and property resources on all six inhabited continents into a functioning imperial state, and the sun never sets empire was born, which made them the first real “superpower” in the world in the 19th century.


By 1865, the United States had gradually become a continental power, as did Russia under the Tsar at the end of the 19th century, which was part of the reason why European countries, mainly Germany, were paranoid about Russian modernization.


By the 1930s, the continental powers were the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union and China. Nazi Germany and the Japanese Empire tried to achieve the status of continental power by conquering the necessary resources, conquering and colonizing neighboring countries and assimilating their population. Fascist ambitions failed. After World War II, there were only three “superpowers” described by William fox.

到了20世纪30年代,大陆强国是美国、英国、苏联和中国。纳粹德国和日本帝国都试图通过征服必要的资源、征服和殖民邻国并同化其人口来实现大陆强国地位。法西斯的野心失败了,二战结束后,世界上只剩下威廉·福克斯(William Fox)上面描述的三个“超级大国”。

According to the provisions for solving the problems after the Second World War, the United Nations was established. The war of aggression and colonization was legally illegal. The British Empire disintegrated in the 1940s and 1950s and the Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991. This makes the United States the only “superpower”. With a population of 330 million, it controls strong military power and financial hegemony.




From the perspective of population and resources, the only comparable countries are Russia, China, India and Brazil. Among them, only China is comparable in international politics. It has rich population, economic resources, military strength, nuclear arsenal and efficient government, which represent the necessary conditions of comprehensive national strength.


Among the countries that are obviously backward compared with the United States and China, once Russia recovers from the imbalance of its economic and political system after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, it will be able to become a superpower. This is a goal often put forward by the Putin government.


India and Brazil are potential superpowers, but the more reasonable goals are regional power status and solving long-term problems such as policies and corrupt governments. Germany and Japan are already major economic powers, but they do not directly control mainland resources.


Under the current international system, Europe or East Asia no longer has conquerable land, and people’s painful memories of the 1940s are still fresh, which makes the major powers carefully suppress Germany and Japan to avoid taking the road of bullying their neighbors.


Among the other great powers often referred to as potential “superpowers”, Canada and Australia are large but have small populations. Indonesia and Mexico are large enough in theory, but there are huge problems in development, political unity, government efficiency and poverty.


Generally speaking, as long as the current international system can be maintained, the world without “superpower” will be better. The United States, China, Russia and India are all subject to harmful nationalism because of their huge size, and their existence poses a threat to their neighbors.


In addition, there is the threat of nuclear doomsday, which can easily destroy the whole earth and kill half of mankind in a few months or years. The internationalist vision of Franklin Roosevelt and Jawaharlal Nehru still looks like a better way to peace.

此外还有核末日的威胁,这很容易摧毁整个地球,在几个月或几年的时间里杀死一半的人类,富兰克林·罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)和贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁(Jawaharlal Nehru)等人的国际主义愿景看起来仍然是通往和平的更好道路。



Is Japan a superpower now? No, now Japan is at best a global power.


What makes a country a global power?



军事实力/Military strength

软实力/soft power

Wealth: Japan is a very rich country, but Japan is still the third largest economy in the world, after the US and China, because of the aging population and the burst of the real estate bubble.




Soft power: among the most widely recognized indexes, Japan ranks in the top 10. With the output of animation film and television industry, Japan’s ranking has increased in the past few years.


Japan is a member of the group of seven, which is composed of seven richest developed countries. The group of seven is the most influential country in the world.


Military: the Japanese army ranks eighth in the world. They do not often show their military strength, but from the perspective of military equipment, Japan has a very strong army, which makes Asian neighbors very vigilant.


Active personnel of Japan Self Defense Force: 247157 (2019)


63300 reserve personnel (2019)


Japan is a country with a huge national foundation and / or structure, from which many consortia and interest companies have emerged, and is determined to plan and expand itself and its interests around the world.


Japan has the world’s leading infrastructure, telecommunications, Internet, roads, public transport and banking, sound laws and people’s self-discipline.


Back to this question, the question is not “does Japan want to become a superpower”, but “can Japan become a superpower?”


The answer is uncertain, mainly because we can’t predict the future, we don’t know what may be the most important resource, and we don’t know how the future economic trend will affect Japan.


Japan remains a very strong player in Asia. In the past 30 years, Japanese pop culture has dominated almost the whole Asia Pacific region, and there is no sign of slowing down.


So how can it become a superpower? Well, it already has economic and soft power. What it really needs is hard power. In other words, a lot of investment in the Japanese army. By investing in military, Japan can sign defense treaties with like-minded Asian countries to resist any threat they may face.


However, our current servant relationship with the United States actually puts us at a disadvantage in this regard. The United States is the defender of the order of World War II and has always opposed Japan’s military expansion, which conflicts with their own political interests.




Without the suppression of China and the United States, Japan will become a strong competitor to the world power, but this day may never come.




It has never been a superpower. It was not, is not and will not be. Becoming a superpower is not in Japan’s interests. As long as Japan’s military strength is limited and Japan is under the protection of the US security umbrella, Japan cannot be regarded as a superpower.


A superpower should be a superpower in both area and population (there should be many other requirements, but these two are the most basic thresholds).


Japan’s population is roughly sufficient, but its area is much smaller.


If Japan won the Second World War and successfully controlled half of China, it would have a chance, but in today’s situation, it is basically impossible.


Explain again:


The superpower should be big enough so that it can do something secretly, such as nuclear testing.


Superpowers should have enough people to have enough human resources to work on farms, factories, laboratories and schools.


There were two superpowers in the world, the Soviet Union and the United States. The Soviet Union was the largest country at that time, with a population of about 250 million (ranking fourth at that time). The population of the United States was about 400 million, ranking third in the world.


According to Wikipedia, “potential superpowers” include China, the European Union, Russia, India and Brazil, which are large in size and population.


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