

Why did the US succeed in hindering the rise of Japan
but fail to stop China?

What a bad comparison with that line of questioning. The only similarity is that they’ re both Asians.The Japanese being that much smaller needs support and being literally bombed into submission, Japan cleverly used the US as a trading outlet whilst providing a base to soothe the US’ S paranoia.

The Chinese have a total distrust for the West till today and you can clearly the reasons why; not unless you’ re still in bed with them. Therefore they’ re going their own way like it or not.
直到今天,中国人对西方完全不信任,你可以清楚地知道原因: 除非你还和他们在一起。因此,不管你喜不喜欢,他们都要走自己的路。


China being so big both in population and and size, they are a difficult force to be beaten into submission unlike Japan. Now that China has become an economic and military force to be reckoned with is now near impossible to be bullied.

Japan on the other depends on the US for trade and allows them to dictate terms and conditions which tantamount to hinderance but is acceptable by the Japanese as long as the avenue is still open.


China is sick and tired of ‘ unfair treaties’ which was a torn in their butt for such a long time will have nothing of that anymore. Now that a vast number of the US companies are doing business in China rather than in Japan, hindering China will only be self defeating; Trump had a taste of that.
中国已经厌倦了“不公平条约”,这些条约长期以来一直 是他们的眼中钉,现在再也没有了。现在,大量美国公司在中国而不是日本做生意,阻碍中国只会弄巧成拙,特朗普已经尝过了这种滋味。

The US didn’ t stop Japans rise. Japan did. The Plaza accord only lasted for two years and did nothing to stop Americans from buying Japanese cars. Japan stopped rising because of bad demographics and because South Korea surpassed their electronids industry.


Before asking “why” ask “if.” The US has done nothing of the sort. Japan hindered itself by inflating a massive debt bubble in the 1980s and 1990s thatit’ S still paying off. Both China and the USA are following in Japan’ S footsteps, and will likely end up in the same place.

I’ m sure there are attempts to answer this question, and I applaud those.However, I’ m going to point out the nationalist-trolling nature of the question.

First, it assumes two things:
1) The United States wanted to stop “the rise”of Japan, one presumes out of envy or superpower status.
2) The US feels the same way about China, and can’ t do it.
1) 美国想阻止日本的“崛起”,有人认为是出于嫉妒或超级大国的地位。
2)美国对中国也有 同感,但做不到。

Neither of these things seems remotely true. The US was Japan’ S ally and partner; if the US wanted to fix one or two things in its relationship with Japan, it didn’ t want Japan to be poor. That’ S nonsense. Economic relationships are bilateral. The person who asked this question is thinking in unilateral, mercantilist, imperialist terms.
这两件事似乎都不是真的。美国是日本的盟友和伙伴; 美国想在与日本的关系中解决一两个问题,不想让日本变得贫穷。经济关系是双边的。问这个问题的人是在用单边、重商主义、帝国主义的方式思考问题。

Second, if the US wanted to prevent “China’ S rise” , it would never have invested in it in the first place.


Japan is a vassal state or colony of USA as they need protection from USA and have no choice but to accept permanent American military bases stationing in Japan.

USA and all the American military bases in Japan continue to threaten Japan the country, the Japanese government and Japanese people to make sure they do whatever USA want them to do if needed.

China is an independent country and they can choose whatever they want to do or refuse to do irrespective of what USA wants, hopes, dreams or hallucinates.

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