





德国网友Jerome Matthew的回答

First, because of “sanctions”, the strength of the United States depends on the core role of the US dollar in the global economy.


The United States often strengthens its authority to implement its foreign policy objectives through economic sanctions – especially against Russia, Cuba, Iran and Venezuela. Any company, country or bank that violates the provisions of U.S. sanctions may face multiple penalties.


For example, they may lose access to the U.S. market, obtain dollars or sell oil like Iran, as well as sanctions against Venezuela, including a comprehensive embargo on any country that provides assistance to Venezuela’s oil industry.


In addition, there are additional sanctions against Russian banks and oligarchs, as well as repeated sanctions threats from the United States against European companies engaged in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project in Germany. Companies in Europe and elsewhere seeking to trade and invest in Cuba have also been severely punished.

此外还有包括对俄罗斯银行和寡头的额外制裁,以及美国对在德国从事北溪2号(Nord Stream 2)管道工程的欧洲公司一再发出的制裁威胁。欧洲和其他地方寻求在古巴进行贸易和投资的公司也受到了重罚。

Moreover, nearly 90% of the world’s foreign exchange transactions involve us dollars, so putting eggs in one basket is too risky.


The US dollar accounts for two-thirds of international debt. Therefore, foreign banks need a lot of US dollars to trade. Almost all crude oil sales are denominated in US dollars, so it is called petrodollars.


According to the IMF, 62% of the central bank’s reserves are held in dollars.


The United States is the world’s largest economy, and its economic strength supports the value of the dollar, which is the main reason why the dollar has become the most powerful currency.


Although the US public debt is as high as US $23 trillion and growing, the US dollar has formed a high enough position to attract global investors. Recently, however, some world leaders have called for an end to the dominance of the dollar, such as:


• Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said at a business forum in Kyrgyzstan: “we need to fundamentally and gradually end the monopoly of the US dollar by gradually using local and domestic currencies in our trade with each other.”


• Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum: “the world can see that the monopoly of the dollar is unstable and dangerous for many people.”

•俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)在圣彼得堡国际经济论坛(St Petersburg International Economic Forum)上表示:“全世界都可以看到,美元的垄断地位对许多人来说是不稳定和危险的。”

• Jean Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, said at the European Parliament: “Europe pays 80% of its energy import bill worth 300 billion euros in dollars every year, while only about 2% of our energy imports come from the United States. It is absurd for the United States to make money lying down. We must let our single currency play its full role on the international stage.”


So is there a currency that can replace the US dollar?


First competitor – Euro/首位竞争者——欧元

There is no doubt that the euro is a strong competitor to the US dollar. It is the only currency that can challenge the US dollar on a global scale.


Nevertheless, due to the negative interest rate used by the European Central Bank and the sovereign debt crisis in 2010, the attractiveness of the euro to trade and investors is decreasing unprecedentedly. In recent years, the foreign exchange reserves allocated to the euro have decreased from 27% to 21%.


Facts have also proved that it is difficult for the EU to break the dominance of the US dollar for more than 70 years. It always follows the United States in major international issues and is vulnerable to the tough strategy of Washington.


France, Germany and the UK have completed the first transfer with Iran through the “trade swap support tool” (instead) in order to “export medical goods from Europe to Iran”. The United States has warned that if instex becomes the lifeline of blood supply to Iran’s economy, it will impose sanctions on relevant institutions and individuals.


Since it was put into operation in June 2019, no European company or bank is willing to trade with Iran at the risk of special sanctions imposed by the United States.


The reason for Europe’s compliance with sanctions is simple: its banks and companies cannot survive the prospect of losing access to the US market and the US dollar.


In order for the euro to compete with the dollar, the eurozone needs a strong central bank and monetary union.


Because European countries have their own financial and monetary policies, many financial markets lack the liquidity of American financial markets.


Even the most trusted Euro denominated investments in German government bonds are often in short supply, and Germany is reluctant to finance spending by selling bonds because of its cultural tradition of debt aversion.


As a result, investors seeking a safe haven will rarely choose the euro. On the other hand, the supply of US government bonds is almost unlimited.


Therefore, the euro is a currency that transcends national sovereignty and lacks a standard political structure to ensure a strong response in case of problems.


The next potential competitor – RMB/下一个潜在竞争者——人民币

China has been trying to improve the role and status of the RMB to reflect its status as a world power. In 2015, the International Monetary Fund included RMB in its important special drawing right currency basket. In 2018, it established a trading system in Shanghai to allow the purchase of crude oil in RMB.


However, later, the RMB continued to depreciate, and China’s economic slowdown, soaring debt, regulatory transparency and capital controls hindered international investors’ investment in the RMB.


Why is it so hard to get rid of the dollar?


Moving to the euro, the Renminbi or even the ruble means higher transaction and hedging costs and the complexity of finding banks to deal with such transactions. The attractiveness of the euro as a currency to challenge the US dollar lost its attractiveness after the 2010 sovereign debt crisis in the region and the negative interest rate of the European Central Bank. Russia’s first year out of the US dollar was very bad, and it lost the potential return of US $7.7 billion in foreign exchange reserves.


The possibility of a dollar collapse?


If China and Japan, the largest holders of U.S. Treasury bonds, decide to sell their holdings of U.S. Treasury bonds, the United States may collapse. Japan has US $1.27 trillion in treasury bonds, and China also has more than US $1 trillion in treasury bonds.


Will China or Japan really sell bonds? No, Japan, China and the EU are heavily dependent on the US market. The United States is the world’s largest consumer market. For example, China has a surplus of $400-600 billion in trade with the United States every year. It was originally necessary to use dollars for commodity pricing and settlement. Abandoning the US dollar is tantamount to abandoning the largest consumer market in the United States, which will bring a fatal blow to domestic export trade. As an important trading partner of the United States, it is impossible for China to get rid of the US dollar system at this stage.


Therefore, the dollar is unlikely to collapse at all. China, Japan and the European Union don’t want this to happen. It’s not in their best interests. Why do you try to bankrupt the best export markets?


At present, as long as the United States continues to enjoy greater investor confidence than the euro, RMB and other currencies, the US dollar will remain the world’s major currency.



印度网友Hannan Maravar的回答

Gazprom’s recent oil deal with China is the largest in world history, explicitly rejecting the use of petrodollars. This sets a precedent for all countries to use their own currencies (through currency swaps) to buy oil, completely bypassing the dollar, thus stifling the petrodollar.


Not only China and Russia, but most countries in the world are using currency swaps to avoid the dollar when trading with each other. Even the International Monetary Fund and the United Nations are calling for a new global currency to replace the dollar. The world dollarization and dollar hegemony are coming to an end. The US sanctions are of little significance in the future, as a new settlement bank is emerging to handle transactions outside the US dollar and swift system.


As for China, the United States is certainly not China’s largest customer. The United States accounts for only a small part of China’s total international business. However, China is Saudi Arabia’s largest customer. Now, China has one belt, one road, through Russia to deliver goods from eastern China to Madrid, and trade across Eurasia will be faster and more free, avoiding the US controlled sea passage.


The digital RMB has been put on trial nationwide in China. Once other countries adopt the same convenience, the funds sent globally as tokens can be dispersed to the clearing house to ensure that no customer in the world can be denied access under unilateral sanctions.


Such a system will be faster, cheaper and more convenient for capital transfer than swift. In the era of cashless digital transactions, banks will have to reshape their functions.


The United States and Europe have been trying to adapt to the pace of revolution, while China is also conducting many experiments with its neighbors to explore the seamless integrationalways a big win.


The current unilateral sanctions have weakened trust in the security of the dollar and the euro, as well as in the so-called “sacrosanct” concept of property rights on both sides of the Atlantic. Looking ahead, wealth managers and lawyers will draw lessons from the bad policies implemented in Europe and the United States at this stage and form their suggestions.


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