






If India becomes a superpower, it will undergo earth shaking changes in most aspects – society, politics, geopolitics, economy, religion, culture, education, etc.


• social aspect: Indians will eventually eliminate the imprint of casteism and no one will be proud of their caste identity. Indians will develop more rationalist ideas and critical thinking and begin to abolish pseudoscience and superstition.




• Politics: India will recover Kashmir and other regions. Although India will continue to implement the policy of “no first attack”, it will show its absolute dominance over Pakistan in South Asia, while Pakistan will be reduced to threatening India through terrorist attacks.


• Geopolitics: a powerful country will always have more enemies. Many western countries and China will try to form an alliance against India, but no country dares to directly threaten us. In addition, India’s soft power will also be projected to other countries. Our military might increase more than fivefold.


• Economy: a superpower must have a strong economy. Our GDP will reach at least US $25 trillion and per capita GDP will reach US $30000. We will invest more than ten times the existing amount in other countries, but we will never let them fall into a debt trap.


• Religion: Nowadays, religious beliefs in most developed countries have decreased, and India will also witness the decline of religious beliefs, but we will continue to maintain the spiritual state of the original sects and participate in cultural activities, and Hinduism will become more important in the West.


• culture: Indian academia will be greatly developed. India’s history and tradition will be recognized by the world. Just as today’s world history is centered on Europe, Indian language will also be regarded as the world’s mainstream language.


• educational significance: ISRO will be as powerful as NASA, India’s R & D expenditure will increase significantly, and we will have Indian alternatives to Chinese, Japanese, European Union or American technology. The literacy rate will reach 99-100%. Gender disparities in the education and vocational sectors will be significantly reduced.


• demographics: immigration from South Asia, the Middle East and Southeast Asia will increase significantly, but this may cause demographic differences between Hindu, Muslim and other communities, but the brain drain will be greatly improved.




In general, India’s growth as a superpower will not put too much pressure on the world. India will not interfere in poor countries, overthrow their governments like the United States, or train terrorists. India does not want to occupy a large number of territories and will not let other countries fall into huge debts, but under India’s leadership, the world will embrace a new future.




对世界来说/For the world

India is a friendly country. India will continue to be patient before the enemy launches a war. Even if India is a superpower, India will not interfere in the affairs of other countries. It will actively help the development of underdeveloped and developing countries.


India will become the world’s largest economy, the Indian defense force will be the world’s most powerful defense force, and India will strive to end nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction from all over the world.


Due to the gap in strength, Pakistan and China will keep a further distance from India. Pakistan will stop spreading terrorism in India, American rule over the world will slowly end, and a second cold war will break out between India and the United States.


对联合国来说/For the United Nations

India will help the United Nations avoid war between countries and resolve their problems through negotiations. India will help the United Nations solve international problems such as environmental security, terrorism and refugees. The Security Council will no longer exist. The United Nations will announce that it will give India a veto. Any Indian language can become the official language of the United Nations. The United Nations will also set up branches in Mumbai, Chennai or other Indian cities.


与美国的关系/Relations with the United States

After India becomes a superpower, there will not be much friendly relations between India and the United States. The United States will envy India, because India is the largest economy, and the Indian defense force will be stronger than the U.S. defense force, because the budget of the Indian defense force is about $800 billion, while the budget of the United States is about $600 billion. The United States will establish good relations with China and Pakistan, and the United States will establish many military bases around China and Pakistan to resist the threat from India.



印度的话语权/India’s voice

Indians can travel freely between Singapore and Malaysia without passports. India’s literacy rate will rise to about 99%. Many patients from Singapore, China, Britain, the United States and other countries will come to India for treatment, and many Indians will find jobs.


Indians can live in a corruption free India, terrorism will come to an end, and Pandit people in Kashmir can return to the Kashmir valley. In India, less than 5% of people live on the poverty line.




In theory, India is a superpower. It has huge scientific research, military, human and natural resources, as well as strategic space and combat capabilities, as well as the will and ability to completely destroy the enemy once it enters a state of war.


However, India’s military intention and position are much higher than that of the United States. Based on the principle of non violence, it will not wantonly launch unnecessary wars. Since independence, India has built up sufficient reserves for its huge army, while throughout the world, only China has similar capabilities.


India acquired nuclear capability as early as 1974, and it has never threatened to carry out nuclear strike against any other country, which is in itself the wisest approach. I remember that before that, the media of other member states of the nuclear weapons club had published advertisements mocking India. At that time, nuclear capability defined the status of “superpower”, which is still the case today. A distorted metaphor is: the more people you can kill, the stronger your deterrent! With this alone, it is a superpower!




India is a “soft superpower”, and it will not store destructive materials and weapons in its territory or elsewhere. However, it has the ability to call, manufacture and use any number of weapons in a short time. These capabilities are stored in the scientist’s brain and huge database.


The cost of India’s space probe to the moon is one percent of that of the United States! This means that India can produce 100 rockets at the price of one NASA rocket!


Look at the global influence of the world’s largest enterprise. Where do their manpower come from? You guessed right, India! If there were no Indians, Facebook, Google, Pepsi Cola and even the whole silicon valley would collapse. This is the embodiment of the superpower’s ability. Unlike North Korea, which boasts large rockets filled with sand, why are their people still pushing ox carts and pulling rockets with rubber wheels?? It is self-evident how powerful it is.


Long before the aircraft appeared, “Vimana aircraft” was depicted on the wall of ancient Indian archaeological sites, 5000 years earlier than early human civilization, which reflects the courage of ancient Indians to think ahead.


Every superpower is thinking about how they can maximize their interests by colonizing and squeezing productive land and people.


Imagine how difficult it is to raise the living standards of 700 million people to the world average in 70 years? Other superpowers took 400-500 years to achieve this through robbery, killing and slavery. They made themselves “capable” by plundering resources from colonies and affiliated countries. That’s not a superpower. That’s a thief!


Has India plundered and stolen anything from other countries? No.


When India became independent, they could not make umbrellas. Now, they can make almost anything. This is the real independence and resilience. 700 million people meet their needs for food, clothing and education every day. It is not far from changing the living standards of 300 million Indians to reach 1 billion.




Don’t belittle yourself. India is already a superpower.


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