





网友Calvin Liao的回答

There was a Golden period for foreigners roughly from ‘80’s-‘90’s when China started to open up to around 2017.


When China started to open up people looked up to foreigners. They were the ones bringing money and expertise into China. They came from places the Chinese people had never been and knew little about.


And foreigners flocked to China in droves, attracted by the opportunities and maybe the feeling of adventure. The Olympics in 2008 and World Expo in 2010 further contributed to China’s image of a country that is welcoming the world.Until 2012 it was relatively easy for foreigners to get working visas for China.


Then a drunk Brit was caught on video attempting to sexually assault a Chinese woman in Beijing. A Russian musician was filmed insulting Chinese people in a train from Shenyang to Beijing. The video showed him with his bare feet up on the seat in front. When a woman objected to his feet touching her head, he apparently responded with a barrage of sarcastic comments and insults.


These incidents caused an outrage and the government started to crack down on illegal foreigners. People also started to wonder what the value exactly is that some of these foreigners bring to China. Requirements for working visas became more strict.


At the same time overseas travel for Chinese tourists went up from 10M in 2000 to 170M in 2019. Chinese people can now directly experience foreign countries and cultures.


Then in 2016 Trump happened, resulting in a new wave of anti-China sentiments.


In 2020 Covid-19 happened. Although it was brought under control in China infections rose rapidly in other countries. There are strict safety measures for foreigners entering China but some people may still fear that some foreigners carry the virus. 2

2019- 2020年冠状病毒疾病发生,尽管中国的疫情得到了控制,但其他国家的感染率却迅速上升,对进入中国的外国人有严格的安全措施,但一些人可能仍然担心一些外国人携带病毒。

Last year the government also launched policies banning private tutoring centers. Although the objective of the policy was to reduce the burden put on children in China and the ban wasn’t aimed at foreigners it indirectly resulted in many foreign teachers, many English teachers, losing their jobs.


So if you compare the attitude towards foreigners a few decades ago and now, sure they have changed. China is now a bit more selective when it comes to foreign talent. Foreigners are not regarded as highly as before simply because China has caught up and their novelty value has worn off a bit.


But I think the Chinese people are still welcoming to foreigners who contribute to China, come to China to study, are interested in Chinese culture and history, treat people with respect, and follow the rules. If you come to China to sleep with Chinese women, insult the people, their culture, systems or their government, break the rules or stir other kinds of shit, please stay away, you’re not welcome.



新加坡网友Bill Chen的回答

For tourists, no issue. But for those seeking to make a living in china, the bar has been raised.


No more white equals right. For example, the “English teacher” nonsense is no more, especially with the end to private tutoring.


Going forward, a prerequisite will be facility with the Chinese language, no different from the language requirement seeking employment in Korea, Japan, Denmark or France.


Ask the nonchinese quorans who have expatriate experience in china. How many of them can speak passable mandarin? How many can read Chinese? That era is over, and only those with desirable skills will be afforded the same courtesy today.


China No more dual track sentencing for white anglophones, no more visa policies full of holes, no more lax policing.


This is already status quo in the tier 1–2 cities, but the cultural deference towards the white skin will take time. Fewer foreign roles are being written into screen productions, and those are mostly not elevated, idealized roles.


Welcome to parity, where illiteracy in the working language and looking different doesn’t confer star treatment, but discrimination.




Chinese people are always welcoming and friendly once you get to know them. The exception is when people are trying to scam you or sell you something. This is the same in most places. Chinese people as a whole don’t seem different now compared to in the past


In the past, lots of Chinese people had never seen a foreigner before apart from on TV. That is rarely true and more with lots of Chinese people travelling and more foreigners in China.


That mean,fewer children pointing and yelling “Waiguoren”,fewer people stroking my children’s blond hair or arms.fewer people wanting photos.guards are more likely to stop you and ask questions rather than just ignore all foreigners.


more people just ignore you like since you are just like everyone else.


Basically, lots of foreigners are just “normal” now. This is a step down from being a curiosity but a natural progression and a healthy change.



缅甸网友Eamon Dan的回答

China has a history of humiliation for nearly a hundred years. Being bullied, excluded and discriminated by foreign countries has been written in history textbooks. Every Chinese has been influenced by it since childhood, and no one knows it. These things are like a thorn in every Chinese’s brain.


China and its citizens, like a child who has been bullied, ridiculed and excluded since childhood, have become sensitive, fragile and inferior in heart. Now I have grown up and have my own ability and property. But the pain left by his childhood is always the shadow of his heart, affecting his way of thinking.


Some people like that, as long as others treat him a little better, they immediately take out their hearts and lungs. They are always afraid that others will look down on him. They always rush to pay the bill when eating with others, care very much about what others think of him, and always sacrifice their own interests just to get the recognition of others. Isn’t this the epitome of Chinese people’s psychology when facing foreigners?


Chinese economy has stood up, Chinese legs have stood up, and Chinese soul should also stand up


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