






The Nobel Prize is designed for the people of the west, not for peace.


Like Gorbachev, he destroyed his country and the West benefited as a competitor, so they awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize to express their gratitude. Is China’s poverty alleviation beneficial to the west? I don’t think so.


Over the years, China has lifted a large number of people out of poverty and become rich by transferring a large number of people from agricultural based economic activities to manufacturing based economic activities.


The measurement of poverty has always been the main topic of economics. Every country has its own standard to measure whether a family / individual is poor. If my annual income is less than 30000 pounds, I can say that I am a poor person living in Australia, but if I live in China, I will become quite rich.


The United Nations measures poverty by very low standards. They define extreme poverty as living on less than $1.90 a day. In short, two dollars a day is 60 dollars a month. For most countries, this is a very low standard. 60 dollars is about 500 yuan and 6000 yuan a year.


Can ordinary Chinese Earn 6000 yuan a year? of course. In 2018, the median annual income of Chinese people was 25000 yuan, which is four times the poverty line defined by the United Nations.


I’m not saying that 6000 yuan a year is a good or subsistence income. I’m just saying that China far exceeds this benchmark according to the United Nations definition of poverty.


In fact, in most Chinese cities, the income of 6000 yuan a year is not a considerable income, and most people’s income is far more than that.


The biggest contributors to this transformation are the Chinese, who strive to become the world’s manufacturing center.


Most people talk about China’s cheap labor as if it is the only advantage of China’s development. In fact, cheap labor comes from thousands of villages, where people have been trapped for a long time.


In order to change this, China has built roads and railways extending in all directions to transport people and products at a more efficient speed and quantity.


Build schools, constantly attract graduates and graduate students, and provide their citizens with the key to further improve themselves.


The Chinese government has also formulated macro policies to maintain the stability of the RMB exchange rate so that Chinese products can maintain price competitiveness for as long as possible, which in turn provides people with opportunities for employment and poverty alleviation.


Therefore, China’s poverty alleviation work is a combination of social, demographic, economic and political characteristics, which has achieved such excellent results.


This is the Chinese model, which is why people call it Chinese characteristics. This is not something that other countries can copy and paste.




China has lifted more than 700 million people out of hunger and poverty in a relatively short time. This is not so much a humanitarian achievement as a mockery and humiliation of Western democracy, liberalism and values.


China is often criticized by the so-called “human rights record” in the West. What is human rights? Is it human right not to starve? Is it a human right to walk safely in the street? The double standard words and deeds of the West have blinded their eyes, so they turn a blind eye to China’s poverty alleviation achievements.


In the past 30 years, China has helped 800 million people out of poverty, accounting for 70% of the global population out of poverty. Ban Ki Moon, the eighth Secretary General of the United Nations, recognized China’s efforts and said that “China has achieved transformation results in poverty reduction”. Many global media also praised China’s achievements in this field.


“Today, more than 1 billion people on earth still live in extreme poverty. China’s success in poverty alleviation has provided valuable experience for the world.”


In addition to the individualized poverty alleviation plan for everyone, the targeted poverty alleviation work of the state also includes various arrangements for creating employment opportunities and providing employment training for people, so as to shift the poverty alleviation model from “blood transfusion” to “blood creation”.


Dulong mountain canyon is the home of about 7000 people in the mountainous area of Southwest China. Due to its high altitude, the mountain is covered with snow for half a year, isolating the countryside from poverty and poor conditions.


Different from the usual way of poverty alleviation, government staff are planning to build the mountainous area into a scenic tourist hotspot.


Since the government built two new houses for him – one for his family and the other for tourists, Pu Guangrong felt that his life had hope again. Like others in the region, he used to make a living by collecting wild fruits and hunting. He didn’t even know what tourism was, but poverty alleviation workers changed all this.


Today, his village is connected to the outside world through a new tunnel, attracting tourists, broadening their horizons and bringing economic recovery.


There is a Chinese proverb that “it is better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish”.


But targeted poverty alleviation is more than that. The Chinese government will move people living in areas with no development value to areas with low cost of living. For the ecological protection areas that are not allowed to be developed, the government will arrange forest rangers and afforestation. Therefore, while people have jobs, the environment will be protected.


Over the past five years, the Chinese government has invested 19.1 billion yuan in poverty alleviation and granted 283.3 billion yuan in microcredit to the poor.


All positive results reflect the government’s efforts and investment in poverty alleviation. Government officials are encouraged to do their best to implement poverty alleviation projects. In order to prevent counterfeiting, the CPC Central Committee has established a strict inspection system, allowing provinces to supervise each other, and all data also need to be verified by a third party.


Kim Hu Nai, director of the Asia Pacific Division of the International Fund for agricultural development, praised China. “This poverty alleviation policy based on accountability assessment is very effective. The more you invest, the more support you get from the government. Therefore, local governments feel encouraged while under pressure.”


As the Huffington Post said, “if we learn from the experience of the past 15 years, the next development goal can be to create another Chinese story. It can be said that this will bring mankind to the door of ending extreme poverty forever.”




The Nobel Peace Prize is just a joke. Eradicating poverty is obviously not so important in western capitalist society, because they are not in line with Western values, and people will not win the Nobel Peace Prize.


China is helping people in the third world live better, saving them from hunger and bringing them jobs and new technologies. I think their “thank you” is more valuable than the Nobel Peace Prize. Compared with the first question, I think the second one is more valuable. Next, I will briefly talk about China’s history of poverty alleviation in recent 30 years.


In the early stage of reform in the 1980s, large-scale government planning projects, market characteristics and participatory economic growth helped to improve China’s per capita income and reduce poverty. However, China’s progress in poverty reduction did not last in the second half of the 1980s and the early 1990s. In 1988, the number of poor people in rural areas briefly increased from 96 million to 102 million.


Since the 1990s, the labor and social security reform process of employment in state-owned enterprises and urban private sector has led to the unemployment of millions of workers and the poverty of tens of thousands of urban families due to unemployment. In the second half of the 1990s, the situation began to deteriorate, and people were worried that it would be regarded as “new urban poverty”, partly due to the tide of rural-urban migration and partly due to mass unemployment.


But in the long run, the Chinese government has been able to control and reduce rural poverty through economic reform and various rural development plans, many of which are a continuation of the work begun in the early 1980s. Next, I will introduce China’s poverty alleviation work in stages.


Phase I (1994-2000):


Before 1997, poverty alleviation funds were allocated only through the central government. After 1997, provincial and other local governments have played a greater role, and provincial governments have assumed more overall responsibility for poverty alleviation, especially in rural areas. The two most important plans launched during this period are the “August 7th” poverty alleviation plan.


From 1994 to 2000, China formulated and implemented the “August 7th” poverty alleviation plan. Its strategic goal is to solve the problem of food and clothing for 80 million of the poorest people in seven years. For this group living in extreme poverty, the plan sets the following poverty alleviation standards:


1. Ensure that the per capita annual net income of the vast majority of poor families is more than 500 yuan (calculated at the constant price in 1990);


2. Help poor households create stable basic conditions for solving the problem of food and clothing, and develop 0.5-1 mu of farmland with high and stable yield per capita; Each household develops 1 mu of fruit trees or other tree species, or 1 mu of cash crops; Each household transfers one labor force to township enterprises or developed areas, and each household develops a fish and chicken farming or other household sideline.


The analysis shows that the “August 7th” plan contributes to China’s poverty reduction and contributes to the social and economic development of poor areas in China. Between 1994 and 2000, food and agricultural production and net household income in officially designated “poor” counties increased above average.


The agricultural GDP growth rate of officially designated “poor” counties is 7.5%, while the national average is 7%. The per capita net income of households increased from 648 yuan to 1337 yuan, with an average annual growth of 12.8%, 2 percentage points higher than the national average.


Chinese officials reported that since the launch of the project, the proportion of people living below the national poverty line had fallen to 58 million by the beginning of 1997.


Phase II (2001 and beyond):


In 2001, the central government changed the way of fund allocation from a project-based system to a system based on a series of poverty measurement indicators. These indicators include the number of poor people, the annual per capita net income of farmers, the local financial situation and the need for policy adjustment.


It must be remembered that since the early 1980s, poverty alleviation funds have been an important part of China’s poverty alleviation work.


Poverty alleviation funds include funds allocated at central and local levels, different categories and through different government agencies. The central government’s poverty alleviation funds include the following five types of funds:


(1) Development Fund;

(1) 发展基金;

(2) Food for work fund;

(2) 以工换粮基金;

(3) National minority development fund;

(3) 少数民族发展基金;

(4) Funds for poor state-owned farms and forest farms;

(4) 贫困国有农场和林场资金;

(5) Interest subsidy for discounted loans. These funds are managed by relevant management institutions.

(5) 贴现贷款的利息补贴。这些资金由各相关管理机构管理。

2001 was also a year when the Chinese government transformed its flagship poverty alleviation project into a new poverty-stricken village public investment project based on participatory village planning. Since 1986, previous investment projects have been targeting poverty-stricken counties.


There are at least two reasons why China’s poor village investment projects are different:


First of all, in terms of scale, China’s poverty alleviation project is undoubtedly one of the largest poverty alleviation projects in the world. About 140 million people, accounting for 15% of the rural population, live in officially designated poor villages.


Secondly, China’s poverty alleviation project is one of the few community development projects initiated and managed by developing country governments rather than international donors.


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