




India first participated in the Olympic Games in 1900. So far, we have won 26 Olympic medals. Ironically, Michael Phelps has won 28 Olympic medals from his first participation in the Olympic Games in 2000 to his retirement. He won eight gold medals only in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.


Why does India always get nothing at the Olympic Games? This is a multi-level problem, but in general, it is a cultural problem.


We have amazing management talents. Although they come from the poorest areas, they still rely on their own efforts to reverse the future. We also have the world’s top scientists, teachers, doctors and engineers in all walks of life. When it comes to sports, the domestic development is really in a mess. I’ll give you some examples and you’ll know how absurd it is.


Since 2005, Mittal foundation has funded about US $10 million to 10 Indian athletes every year, most of which are generally used for successful athletes, such as Abhinav Bindra, mahesh Bhupathi, Narain karthikeyan, etc. However, so far, the investment of Mittal champion trust fund has not achieved any practical results. I think this reflects a strong attitude of Indians – we are always willing to help celebrities and celebrities, but who does something for people like Shiva keshawan, but no one will stand up.


Shiva keshawan is an Indian skier without a rudder and a world-famous skier. Due to lack of training funds, he often skis on the winding lane at the foot of the Himalayas. In the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics men’s single race of rudderless sleigh, kaishawan won the 37th place. Although the result is not top-notch, it is still very good, and he is famous for it. But how many athletes in India are buried like him because of lack of financial support.


We admit that sports are time-consuming and expensive. In the UK, it costs £ 4.5 million to pass the elite training program and win a gold medal in the Olympic Games. Although it is not so exaggerated in India, it is not affordable for ordinary people. But money is not the decisive factor in Olympic performance. Small countries like Bulgaria and Belarus can win more than 60 medals. Why can’t India?


Many researchers and analysts say that the ancient caste system has dragged down here. Group sports means that you must associate with people of different castes and religions, but many people from upper castes refuse to play under the leadership of Dalits or Adivasi. They have a natural sense of blood and racial superiority.


Some people think that India’s work culture is done by others. For example, even in the lower middle class, there will be servants at home who do everything in every detail, put out their clothes and open their mouths. Moreover, their children have long known that doing something is inferior behavior.It’s hard for such people to have team spirit.


You can pay attention to the headlines on the front page of the media. If the athletes in Haryana win medals, the media’s description of the athletes is also full of prejudice. The title doesn’t even mention his name, but says “Dalit coachman’s son won the gold medal”. This is an inspiring article, but it also makes people feel that reflecting his caste status is more important than his glory.


In a word, I classify it into the following four reasons:


1. India’s sports industry urgently needs healthy investment. No poor country can do well in the Olympic Games. However, India’s performance is worse than that of some poorer and backward countries. We must admit that we don’t have enough investment in sports. Perhaps, the investment and construction of sports infrastructure are unlikely to win the votes of politicians, so the government automatically ignores this part.


Any ordinary school in the United States has an Olympic swimming pool, and our students can only swim in the depression; Our top athletes are trained overseas, so Chinese athletes don’t have to travel. Who wants others to have complete training facilities and systems? India should promote core sports such as swimming and running according to its own advantages. The government should not just talk but do nothing.


We need to promote the government to invest in Olympic infrastructure. When we have enough funds to flow to sports, more people will choose sports as a career. In only eight years, we can train a new generation of athletes.


Just like many black players play on behalf of the United States, Britain and Western countries, if India invests more money, people will be willing to play in your country. You can provide citizenship for excellent players, forming a virtuous circle.


2. Western prejudice: mass sports and traditional sports in India are not included in the Olympic Games


Even without good infrastructure and investment, we have won hockey gold medals in the Olympic Games. So far, hockey is one of our most popular award-winning sports. Due to racial talent, countries such as Kenya, Uganda and Jamaica can win medals in track and field competitions without a lot of investment. In fact, at least one sport in every country is very popular. If the public is enthusiastic about a sport, it does not need any government support.


Popular sports in India, such as cricket, kabadi and Huhu, are not included in the Olympic Games. Chess is not at the Olympics. There are some Western prejudices here. If you pay attention to all the competitions in the Olympic Games, you will find that there are all kinds of interesting competitions originated in the West. Even hockey, they changed it from grass to rubber grass. India does not have sufficient resources to convert all land to rubber land. Before that, India won six Olympic gold medals in hockey, but no country can do this in any large team competition. As soon as this change took place, India began to lose in hockey.


Discouraged, the disoriented Indians turned to cricket. In 1983, India won the world cup in cricket. This is the way Westerners control the Olympic Games.


But if we invest properly in sports, all these problems can be solved. Establishing a good sports ecosystem is the final solution.


3. Biological and physical factors.


Some countries have poor infrastructure. Maybe running doesn’t need any advanced equipment. African and Caribbean countries have always been able to win gold medals in running events, which some people attribute to congenital factors. However, Olympic medals cover many categories, and there is always a race that is better at it. Some sports may require special body size or physical advantage.


Unlike most short Chinese, Indians have the advantage of diversity. On the one hand, we have Tibetans. Although they are short, they are very strong for sports such as athletes, gymnastics and weightlifting. On the other hand, we found that a considerable proportion of people are over 6 feet tall and suitable for running and swimming. If we give full play to these advantages, we will not be at a disadvantage. If we use them properly, we can beat China and the United States in the Olympic Games.


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