






China, the word means “the central kingdom”. Since Qin Shihuang unified the six countries in 221 BC, this land is a great country with the Han nationality as the main body and multi-ethnic solidarity. China is the whole world to them. China is the central kingdom and the center of the human world. Its emperor is the “son of heaven”. The world is “round and round”. The north and West are bounded by mountains, the East and South are separated by the sea, and there is only desolation and barbarism in the distance. For example, during the Shang and Zhou dynasties, they regarded a tribe in the northwest as a foreign invasion for a long time and called it “ghost square”.


Over the past two thousand years, this land has experienced the change of 16 dynasties. Until the 18th century, the world was invaded by advanced and aggressive Western powers with their superior weapons and unshakable belief in progress.


During the Qing Dynasty, Western powers invested and built factories in China, and the goods on the market had the word “foreign”. For example, iron nails are called “external nails” (foreign nails) Kerosene is called “foreign oil” Cement is called “foreign ash” (foreign ash) This kind of candle is called “foreign wax” Cigarettes are called “foreign smoke” (foreign smoke), matches are called “foreign fire” (foreign fire) But this kind of opening to the outside world is completely dumping. How can children compete with adults in the same arena.

清朝时期,西方列强在中国投资建厂,市场上的商品都有“洋”字。例如铁钉被称为“外钉”(洋钉). 煤油被称为“外国石油”(洋油). 水泥被称为“外来灰”(洋灰). 这种蜡烛被称为“外国蜡”(洋蜡). 香烟被称为“外国烟”(洋烟), 火柴被称为“外来火”(洋火)…但这种对外开放完全是倾销,儿童怎能在同一竞技场上与成人竞争。



The Qing Dynasty was an agricultural country. There was no competition between industrial products and Western products, which was unequal commercial competition. If this situation continues, China will become the dumping place of industrial products and technologies, the supply place of raw materials and the investment place of surplus capital in western developed countries, just like India.


In the dream of “Heavenly Kingdom”, there is an unfair duel between the East and the West. Karl Marx once commented on him: “a carefully preserved mummy in a sealed coffin.” After more than a century of disastrous devastation, this giant finally rose again. It has the ability to compete with the West and its eastern rivals Japan and South Korea. In the 21st century, people began to call it “China’s century”. People have witnessed China’s return to the center of the world again, and his world has no borders.


Chinese people have been driven to greatness, which has a lot to do with his cultural tradition and survival philosophy.


But I believe that most of the credit is due to the leadership of the Communist Party of China. The founding of new China has enabled the Chinese people to stand up and laid a foundation for China’s future. Although some policies suffered a certain degree of failure at the beginning, there is no doubt that his reunification of China has made the country strong and flexible.


In 1978, taking history as a mirror, China’s leadership began a comprehensive reform to completely change China in order to adapt to the world development trend. China has adopted the principle of free market, absorbed the elements of the western system, and given people unprecedented fullness and deregulation from spirit to material.


Once China opened up to large-scale foreign direct investment, its industrial and economic engine began to operate actively and become an economic giant. With the support of nearly 1 billion people and a strong centralized government, China focuses on economic growth. With the support of strong executive power, the government has formulated excellent policies and implemented them with amazing agility and efficiency.


After China joined the WTO in 2001, China’s economic growth accelerated. In 2014, China surpassed the United States and will never look back.


Modern China is the continuation of the oldest and continuous civilized country in the world more than 4000 years ago. The century long humiliation from 1839 to 1949 is only an abnormal phenomenon, and China is recovering its former glory.


There is an old saying in China: “do not break, do not stand”, which means that you must get rid of backward factors in order to establish advanced and brand-new things. Countries or civilizations like China and India have existed for too long. Their ancient glory has long disappeared. When the Western powers rise, they are old, sick, rotten and dying. Their old bodies do not work in the new era. They need fresh blood to survive.


Emperors, nobles or higher castes, landlords, these people are vested interests. These people are greedy and weak. They control the country but refuse to change. Through fire and blood, China completely destroyed itself from outside to inside. From the Westernization Movement and the reform movement of 1898 to the revolution of 1911 and the new culture movement, she paid a price, lost almost everything and almost destroyed her ancient culture. However, China has been reborn on the ruins and is still young and healthy. Once India tried to save itself and bought a new dress called “democracy” from the west, but it was still old. Greedy and enterprising nobles and landlords still existed. India was still trapped by these parasites and thousands of years of tradition and culture.


Compared with India’s dilemma, how did China achieve it?


His advantage is that the national technical force does not need cooperation cost, and the limited capital and human resources can be used intensively. On the basis of the close combination of industry, University and research, he makes a centralized breakthrough, reduces the cost of mutual learning, and realizes the rapid maturity and growth of the research team.




Today, India’s problem is that it not only lags behind, but also completely loses the driving force to catch up with the “short-sighted” vision of market rules. There is a huge gap between India’s technical strength and capital and Western countries. Adhering to blindly copying the western technological development route will inevitably have adverse consequences.


Therefore, after the founding of the people’s Republic of China, it first practiced its internal skills. Unless it has the strength to compete with western industrial products, it will not open to the outside world. When it opened to the outside world in the 1980s, it already had the strength to compete with western industrial products. In this case, all industrial products of the national economy and the people’s livelihood did not let foreign capital get involved.


At the same time, in 1985, Japan became the second largest economy in the world. The United States imposed slight sanctions on Japan, and Japan surrendered immediately. Why? Because Japan’s industrial system is completely controlled by western countries.


So is South Korea. South Korea’s top ten chaebols look good, but in fact they are controlled by American capital. If the Dutch lithography machine and Japanese photoresist are out of stock, Samsung chip will stop production immediately.


Look at China. Nearly four years have passed since the Sino US trade war. China’s economy is getting stronger and stronger. What about America? It is already out of strength and declining.


Why do China, Japan and South Korea have different endings? Because China has established a complete and independent industrial system in the era of beginning.




China is not afraid of competition. The purpose of opening to the outside world is to introduce competition. Foreign investment and OEM production account for only a small part of China’s industry. For China, foreign investment is only the icing on the cake, not the key. Foreign investment is only the “catfish” introduced in the “catfish effect”. The “catfish” can keep the market alive and keep the enterprise and market dynamic without stagnation. The introduction of Tesla is a clear example.


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