






“We will wipe out the Chinese army in three weeks…” General MacArthur, 1950.


“If the Americans cross the 38th parallel, the people’s volunteers will participate in the war. Now the American army is trying to cross the 38th parallel and expand the war. If they do, we will not sit idly by and we will be forced to intervene.” Premier Zhou Enlai, October 3, 1950.


“I am the first American general to sign the negotiation document without victory.” General mark Wayne Clark.


The above three famous words of senior Chinese and American officials respectively correspond to the beginning and end of the Korean War.


July 27 is a special day in modern Chinese history. On this day in 1953, the United States [on behalf of the United Nations Command] and North Korea [on behalf of the Korean people’s Army (kPa) and the Chinese people’s Volunteer Army (CPV)] signed the Korean Armistice Agreement. Since then, the dust of the first and largest hot war during the cold war has settled.


In the Korean War 65 years ago, How did the poorly equipped Chinese people’s Volunteer Army (CPV) defeat the most technologically advanced and militarily powerful country on the planet What about (the United States)? You know, in 1950, China was poor, weak and waiting for prosperity. The GDP of the United States was as high as 280 billion US dollars, while China was only 10 billion US dollars. The steel production of the United States was 87 million tons, while China could only produce 600000 tons of steel every year. When the war broke out in 1950, China could not even produce a tank.


So how did they achieve this miracle under extreme conditions?


1. Morale and determination to drive the aggressors out of the border between China and North Korea. Before the Chinese volunteers crossed the Yalu River to resist the American invasion, the Korean army was powerless in the face of the powerful American army. The Korean communist regime was in danger, and the United Nations army pushed forward to the border with China. In 1949, China had just recovered from the humiliation of a hundred years under the rule of foreign powers, and it was impossible for the aggressors to set foot on the territory.


2. Although China had previously made tentative attacks on the march route of the United Nations army, MacArthur arrogantly assured his soldiers that there was nothing to worry about these “miscellaneous troops”, which made the U.S. military formation relax the marching order and always easily fall into the siege of ambush. Chinese scouts are also good at sneaking into the depths of the joint defense line disguised as Korean soldiers to capture targets for Chinese artillery to attack dense heavy armor. At the operational level, the volunteers took advantage of the United States’ dependence on air surveillance. They moved only at night and had only light infantry. It was easy to maintain camouflage during the day.

2. 尽管此前中国曾对联合国军进军线路进行过试探性攻击,但麦克阿瑟还是傲慢地向他的士兵保证,对这些“杂牌部队”没有什么可担心的,这使得美军编队放松了行军顺序,总是轻易陷入埋伏中的包围圈。中国侦察兵还擅长伪装成韩国士兵潜入联合国防线深处,为中国炮兵捕获目标,以打击密集的重型装甲。在作战层面,志愿军利用了美国对空中监视的依赖,他们只在夜间移动,而且只有轻步兵,白天很容易保持伪装。



3. Superior and flexible flanking tactics enable the volunteer forces to cut off the armored columns of the main United Nations forces and then destroy the tank forces after their supply lines are cut off. The volunteers make every effort to keep the secret before the raid until the battle is launched. Fighting the enemy at such a close distance means high risk, and artillery and air / armor support will not be able to intervene without friendly fire. The Soviet Union who fought in Stalingrad used this method to fight with Germans with guns, backpacks, shovel, flamethrowers and knives.


4. I hold a negative attitude towards many people’s view that the Soviet Union’s provision of T-34 tanks and other heavy equipment assistance is the key to the victory of the volunteer army. in fact, Most of the T-34 tanks provided by the Soviet Union to North Korea were replaced by the advanced armored forces of the United States immediately after the United Nations landed in Incheon (for example, M4A3 Sherman medium tank) was destroyed, and M26 heavy tank, British centurion, Churchill and Cromwell tanks were involved. After the Korean army launched an attack, the use of tanks by the Chinese people’s volunteers in the Korean War was almost zero. There was no large-scale tank war during the Korean War. It was the tenacious fighting will of the volunteers that controlled the direction of the final war, rather than It’s weapons.


5. At that time, the strength of the Chinese and American air forces was seriously asymmetric, and the Soviet air force had to assist in combat. Many Soviet pilots have experienced the baptism of World War II and have rich combat experience. During the Korean War, the Soviet air force once formed the “64th air force” and stationed in Northeast China, using Anshan airport and Anton airport as bases to carry out combat missions against the United Nations. During the Korean War, China and North Korea captured more than 100 American pilots, In the air battle of the big fort, the Chinese pilot successfully shot down the plane driven by Harold Edward Fisher, the “double ace pilot” and “air hero” of the US Air Force with his exquisite driving skills and understanding of the terrain.

5. 当时中美空军实力严重不对称,苏联空军不得不协助作战。苏联许多飞行员经历过二次世界大战的洗礼,作战经验丰富,朝鲜战争期间,苏联空军曾经编成“第64航空队”、派驻中国东北部,以鞍山机场、安东机场作为基地,执行对联合国军的作战任务,朝鲜战争期间,中朝方面共俘虏了大约一百多名美国飞行员,在大堡空战中,中国驾驶员以其精湛的驾驶技术和对地形的了解成功击落了由美国空军“双料王牌驾驶员”、“空中英雄”哈罗德·爱德华·费席尔驾驶的飞机。



Many people once doubted the outcome of China’s victory. We can look at this objectively by analyzing whether the two sides have achieved the expected strategic objectives. For the United States, its goal is to overthrow the Communist regime in East Asia, expose the Soviet Union to the encirclement of the United States and its allies in the region, and unify the Korean Peninsula under Lee Seung Wan’s regime.


General MacArthur, the supreme commander of the United States, said that by Christmas 1950, the whole of North Korea would be conquered. Surprisingly, they failed. Despite the deployment of one-third of the U.S. Army, half of the U.S. Navy and one-fifth of the U.S. Air Force on the Korean battlefield, the Chinese volunteers pushed them back to the 38th line.


For China, this is the first time in a century that the Chinese army has kept foreign aggressors out of the country and achieved the goal of creating a buffer and negotiation by pushing the United Nations back to the 38th parallel. The United States failed to achieve its ultimate goal, but China did. By breaking the isolation of the United States and strengthening China’s international status and voice, China was able to get rid of the poverty of millions of people, gain breathing space for the development of nuclear bombs, ballistic missiles and satellites, and form a substantive deterrent to the cold war superpower, Pave the way for decades of peaceful development and reconstruction of the Chinese nation. Therefore, we can objectively say that this is not only China’s victory, but also the failure of the United States.


So why did the world’s number one power, the United States, gather dozens of allies to participate in the war?


The first is that the United States fought a war with a wrong opponent. This is because the Chinese are convinced that they entered the DPRK to prevent the invasion of the United States and to avoid igniting war on China’s borders and even within China. After all, Japan learned the lesson before the Second World War. Japan first occupied Taiwan and then invaded China, China Taiwan to China’s northern provinces, and then formed a clamp on the South and then pushed south to other parts of China.


In 1950, the United States seemed to be repeating the same mistake – First Taiwan, then supporting South Korea to attack North Korea. In the early stage of the war against the DPRK, the United States sent a note to China saying that it would not cross the 38th parallel, and then the United States broke its promise. Then it said it would not cross the 40 degree north latitude line, and then the U.S. military sped up. Later, it said it would stop 40 miles from the Yalu River and bomb the Yalu River. At that time, China was convinced that the real goal of the United States was China, and China had to fight in order to protect its country.


Secondly, it is the human factor. China’s generals command the battle on the front line, while MacArthur sits firmly at the Diaoyutai in Japan. After the first encounter in the Anshan campaign, the Chinese analyzed the war situation and realized that the Americans knew little about the terrain of North Korea, which was the Achilles heel of the U.S. Army and Marine Corps.




American military historians bluntly said that after the war, senior US military officials said that the Chinese army always “disappeared in the mountains out of thin air”. Well, such a large number of troops will indeed disappear, especially when you are sitting in another country on the other side of the ocean! The Chinese army, which was composed of soldiers with ejection guns, dud grenades, crude radios and even barefoot running, succeeded in encircling and capturing a large number of US troops in subsequent battles. It has to be said that the US generals took great credit.


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