






What do we often mean by “Chinese New Year”?


Of course, it’s the new year on the Chinese calendar.


What is the Chinese calendar?


The Chinese calendar, also known as the lunar calendar, is a calendar system that has been created and developed in China for more than 4000 years.


This is a calendar system with the size of day and month.


What is the Yin Yang calendar?


In fact, this is a compromise between the Gregorian calendar and the lunar calendar. It is a unique way to show both the phase of the moon and the time of the sun.


The solar calendar we are all familiar with mainly considers the annual cycle of the sun. A solar year is 365.2422 days, so in the solar calendar, a calendar year has 365 days, and the solar calendar has leap years to keep the calendar year synchronized with the solar year. In a typical Gregorian calendar (such as the Gregorian calendar), there are 12 months in a year, with 28 to 31 days in each month, adding up to 365 or 366 days.


The lunar calendar does not focus on the solar year, but on the lunar phase. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days, so in the lunar calendar, a month is about 29 or 30 days. A year can be defined as 12 months.


For example, the Islamic calendar is the lunar calendar, which has 12 months and 354 days a year, and there are 11 leap years every 30 years. The difference between leap year and calendar year is that the month with 29 days in a calendar year (the last month of the Islamic calendar) will be adjusted to 30 days, so a calendar year has 354 days and leap year has 355 days.


The lunar calendar focuses on the phase of the moon and the Gregorian calendar focuses on the phase of the sun. But Chinese farmers are mainly concerned about crops. They are concerned about the weather that affects production, so they need a calendar to tell them the seasons and weather patterns.


So they invented the yin-yang calendar, which is a mixture of the Gregorian calendar and the lunar calendar.


The Chinese calendar is still based on the phase of the moon, but they need something to tell them the season. Different from the leap year in the Islamic calendar, they established a leap month system. There are 7 leap months every 19 years, insert the year. There are 354 days in a 12-month year and 383 / 384 days in a 13 month year (leap month), depending on the leap month. Leap months should be arranged so that the first month of each year is not far from the month in the Gregorian calendar.


Leap months still can’t tell farmers the season, so the Chinese invented solar terms. The Taichu calendar published in 104 ad is the first calendar containing solar terms. There are 24 solar terms. Each solar term matches a specific astronomical event or represents a natural phenomenon, corresponding to 24 points separated by 15 ° along the ecliptic. Solar terms accurately tell farmers what kind of weather will happen and what they should do accordingly.


The Chinese calendar has evolved over time and changed many times, but the above are the basic characteristics that remain unchanged. Since the publication of the Taichu calendar by the Han Empire, it has been called the Han calendar for the first time. In the Tang Dynasty, the arrangement method of leap month and other details has been greatly improved. We have Mao Yinchu calendar, Linde calendar, wild goose calendar and so on. Wild goose calendar is the most famous one.


In the Yuan Dynasty, China had a sushi calendar, which was a great improvement:


Fix the solar year as 365.2425 days and rearrange the solar terms accordingly.


One month was fixed at 29.530593 days.


Abandoning the previous baseline, a new method of arbitrary baseline is proposed.


Sushi calendar was adapted into Datong calendar in the Ming Dynasty, but it was slightly modified. Datong calendar was used until the demise of the dynasty.


About 1630, the Ming Dynasty made its own improvements in the calendar, but the end of the Ming Dynasty is at hand, so the calendar was published by the Qing Dynasty, which is the Shixian calendar.


From this calendar, modern astronomical theory was introduced into China. Finally, some small adjustments were made to make the calendar more accurate in predicting solar eclipses or similar events.


Today, in the Chinese new year, we refer to the first day of the Zijin calendar, which is the latest version of the Chinese calendar released by the Zijin Mountain Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Main differences between Chinese calendar and other calendar systems:


The Chinese calendar is an astronomical calendar. Major dates are defined by real-time astronomical events rather than preset time periods. For example, in the Gregorian calendar (the Gregorian calendar used by Chinese people every day), July always has 31 days. In the Chinese calendar, July is defined as the time period between the seventh and eighth new moons of GMT + 8.


The Chinese calendar has 24 solar terms, separated by 15 ° along the ecliptic.


The leap month in the Chinese calendar is an unconditional month between two noon (Japan has additional rules for leap months).


The Chinese calendar is an algorithmic calendar, which uses GMT + 8 and Nanjing coordinates as parameters (Zijinshan Observatory is located in Nanjing).


By changing them to another time zone / City, countries have their own versions of the Chinese calendar (such as North Korea, South Korea and Vietnam).


Therefore, the saying that the Lunar New Year originated from South Korea or other countries is completely ridiculous and absurd.




It’s incredible that Koreans lack knowledge to this extent.


Ancient Korea (including North Korea and South Korea) was one of China’s affiliated countries. They tried to learn and imitate everything from China.


They have a concept that Sinicization can ensure the status of North Korea as a civilized man in that period. At the same time, they call other people who failed to sinicize or have a low degree of Sinicization barbarians, so they are proud to be awarded the title of “Little China”. Seoul’s old name is Seoul, which means Chinese city or the city of Great Han.

他们有一个观念,汉化可以确保那个时期朝鲜作为文明人的地位,同时,他们将其他未能汉化或汉化程度较低的人称为野蛮人,所以他们为荣膺“小中国”的称号感到骄傲, 首尔的旧名是汉城, 意思是中国城市或大汉之城。

To put it bluntly, South Korea is a country without independent culture. Their culture has too many Chinese characteristics. However, the times are changing. China is still a developing country and lags behind South Korea in some fields. Therefore, South Korea is both inferior and arrogant in the face of China.


On the one hand, they wanted to remove the influence of Chinese culture. On the other hand, they occupied Chinese traditions and customs and claimed that these traditions and customs originated in South Korea because they found that South Korea could not be separated from Chinese culture.


I’m not Korean, but I think I should mention that only a few Koreans really believe that the Chinese lunar calendar is created in Korea. This is not taught in Korean schools or the official cognition of the Korean government.


The reason why Koreans insist on calling it “Lunar New Year” is that they (Koreans) celebrate the Spring Festival, but they are not Chinese. This is a very untenable argument.


The reason why they hold this position is very simple, that is, Koreans are trying to establish their own cultural identity without being influenced by Chinese culture. In this process, they need to make some psychological preparations. After all, they are too deeply influenced by China.


The Japanese went through the same stage during the Meiji period, when they decided to stop celebrating the lunar new year. However, I have to commend the Japanese here for their objectivity in the whole incident. I haven’t seen any Japanese deny that their culture comes from China.


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