



Xiaoming Guo, Born, lived and worked in China.出生、成长、工作都在中国

New China is the only country the SA never won war against it. The SA suppor Chiang Kaishek- during the Civil War and the USA lost China. The U SA led 18 alliances countries across the Yalu River, and was drove back to the 38 parallel duringKorea War. Both the USA and the Soviet supported India in 1962, and India was defeated. The USA fought the Vietcong the Chinese proxy, and lost the Vietnam War. The USA won the WWIl because CCP was fighting will allies. The USA won the cold war because the New China was with the USA. The USA won when it was with the New China. The USA lost when it was against the New China. These are the historical facts, and still will be


Haitong Du, Lived on both sides of the Pacific Ocean.大洋两岸都住过

im gonna try to approach this question from a different direction.When people think of the Chinese mili, or military in general, this is what come into their mind Effective machines that are trained to kill, righ t?Well, notnecessarily The military is not established solely for the purpose of conducting wars, at least not in China.The Chinese military is also highly trained for disaster relief. As an artide from The Diplomat points out, the Chinese military has played the most significant role in resp onding to natural disasters.Domestically, China frequently suffers from earthquakes, floods, land slides, and other natural disasters. As the 2013 whitepaper putit, China’ s armed forces(including the PLA and the paramilitary People’ sArmed Police Force or PAPF)”have always acted as the shock force in emergency rescue and disaster relief” In the past decade, China has placed more of an emphasis on solidifying the organizational and logistical aspects of disaster relief effor ts to ensure a quicker and more robust response. Xinhua noted that the additional focus on HA/DR, including increased drills and spending, paid off with”moreswift and efficient” response to the Yunnan earthquake.When the Chinese people think of the PLA, we often remember them for the sacrifice they’ ve made to save lives during earthquakes and floodsA power ful military doesn’ t have to be strong enough to engage in frequent foreign wars. The ability of saving lives is what makes a military truly power fulI rest my case.


Kevin Za

Can’ treally tell for now. But they do have very large industrial and production capacities, which would be very importantin the long run. Also, there is very limited in formation, honestly, more is known about the Russian military, or any othermili tary in the world, than the Chinese military. Who knows, maybe they are actu much more power ful than they let onAl though looking at what happened during the Korean War, they managed to achieve a stalemate, which is very good given thatthe technological gap between the Chinese and UN troops were much bigger. This is not to mention there is still an experience gap even back then. And they had fewer supplies as well. The only thing going for them was their numbers. Now they are doing something ab out that technological gap and supply shortages However, one thing is for certain: they are improving very rapidly, both quantity and quality wise.


Cedric Chiu, Radar Engineer working on Weapons

Weaker than the USA in most sector (butrapidly catching up in most sector too).Stronger than Russian in many conventional weapon sectors.China only lack behind Russia in Nuclear (due to the Nudear builtup of USSR), Engine technology, Nudear Submarine technology, and probably laser technology.China has the advantage ag ainst Russian in Radar technology, Steal th, Electronic Warfare, Command and Control concep ts, Most Tactical missile system(AA, an ti-ship, anti-tack..etc), Armor Vehicles, Naval Surface Ships(both quantity and qualities)..It is pretty much safe to say, US military is in the league ofits own, China military is in a league ofits own… and Brits/France/Russian/India/ Jap an is far behind comp are to the Top Two.


YewMun Lee

If anyone said China is military powerful country before Korea War, either he is joking or is out of his mind, no one wouldgive a shit to China even they already warned not to cross 37 line, but when China warned US not to cross 17 line in Vietnam,US listened their advise.Even today those so called most advance weapons in China is considered 1 or 2 generation behind of US according towestern standard, but no one would doubt willingness of China going into war when crossing China’ s redline.


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