

Michael Yoon

December 16, 2017

While can see where you are coming from, have to disagree. While 50,000+ characters do exist, only a handful are in everyday usage in China and Japan. The average Japanese learns 2, 136 characters in school, and one needs to know only about3,000 characters in everyday usage in ChinaAlso, to be fair, the “one dot making difference”argument can apply to Hangul too. Look at vsAs for writing, I can think of plenty of Hanja that require fewer strokes than in Hangul and are quicker to write. Besides, in this modern day of computers, internet and smartphones, the “writing argument” doesn’t really apply, because inputting Hanja is much easier with the right technology and software. Also, if one doesn’t know the meaning of a Hanja, couldn’t they just look it up? Is a 10 second Google/Naver search really that hard But this is just my opinionAlso, there are more advantages to using Hanja besides disambiguating homophones. It eliminates the need for spaces condensing text more, it increases one’s vocabulary, and once you learn Hanja, it becomes easier to “speed read” text, as yocan simply read the Hanja in Korean mixed sext text. In the words of Korean linguist Insup Taylor, “An optimal text forefficient visual and semantic processing may be one that uses mixed scxts to enhance visual distinction of semantically important and unimportant words.”

虽然我知道你从哪来,但我不能同意。世界上确实存在5万个汉字,但在中国和日本,只有少数是日常使用的。日本人在学校平均要学2136个汉字,而在中国,一个此外,公平地说,“一个点就会变得不一样”这样的论点同样适用于谚文,瞧瞧“”和“天印文可联系龙腾两授权人只需要知道大约3000个日常使用的汉字。至于写作,我能想到很多汉字,它们比韩语所需的笔画少,而且写起来更快。此外,在这个电脑、互联网和智能手机充斥的现代社会,“写作”论点并不适用,因为使用正确的技术和软件输入汉字会容易得多。而且,如果一个人不知道汉字的意思,他们就不能查一下吗?10秒的谷歌/Naver搜索真的那么难吗?当然这只是我的观点。此外,使用汉字除了可以消除同音异义外,还有很多的优点。一旦你学会了汉字,它可以消除空间进一步压缩了文本,并增加一个人的词汇量。用韩国语言学家 Insup Taylar的话来说:“对于有效的视觉和语义处理角度来说,最佳书面语可能是使用混合书面语来增强语义上重要和不重要的词的视觉区别。”

Derek Park

knows Korean

Answered April 15, 2017


Instead, we celebrate our own writing system because it is much more convenient.Hanja(or the Chinese writing system)has over,000 characters, all with different meanings. In contrast, Hangeul(theKorean writing system) has only 28 characters and is phonetic, like English.I am very glad that I don’t have to learn 50,000 something characters to communicate. Don’t your writing system requiresat least the knowledge of over 1,000 characters for basic communication?With Hangeul as the main character, Hanja’s only remaining purpose is to clarify homonyms. We only need to know couple ofdozens for basic understanding, and maybe a 200~500 for more complex things, but that’s it. Hardly anyone tries to learnover 500, and most forget their Hanja knowledge and end up understanding only about 100 or 200Also, Hanja is a pain in the ass to write. It is just too detailed, and even one wrong dot could mean a whole new thing.Why did you make such a thing? It is so difficult.


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