






잇몸 검은, lives in South Korea
As a south korean, i and most korean people say definitely JAPAN
Both countries are developed
But japan GDP for a person is much more than korea.
Also Japan has lots of global company like panasonic,honda and toyota although korea has just samsung and LG

Do Hyeon Choi
Me, as a South korean who live in english country, I cannot agree with this sentence “As a south korean, i and most korean people say definitely JAPAN” first of all. And also, I can’t agree that Japan has large and big companies than Korea. As you said it earlier, Japan has large companies like Honda, Toyota, SONY (I could see Honda and Toyota in this foriegn country). But, you only mentioned Samsung and LG which is not fair, korea also has good car companies like Hyundai, Kia. And I think you doesn’t know anything about the company called “SAMSUNG”
This company which makes electronical products and making above 98% of OLED screens in the world (iPhones and apple/SONY products also uses this screen which is from SAMSUNG!). If somebody ask me, is Honda and Toyota world best? In this question, I will say definitely NOT. Thier is a way better cars in other countries. In Culture, Music, Safety, IT, Social benefit and more, Japan cannot become a better country than Korea.
Hana Sarkar, works at English Language Tutoring
I believe that Japan definitely has the stronger economy out of the two countries, as the Japanese Yen, even in the present while Japanese is in the middle of a recession and has been for the past 20 years, is stronger than the Korean Won.
In addition, that Japanese Not only has the Japanese Yen been a very strong currency in the past to begin with, but Japan has been a colonial power, with wealth and resources, Korea use to be a Japanese colony from 1910- 1945 ish.
Furthermore, South Korea has been devastated in the Korean war and received foreign aid at least until the beginning of the 1970’s, while the Japanese economy was booming and flourishing.
Even the cost of living in Japan is much high than it is in South Korea. Japan has very modernized cities across the entire country, such as Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Sapporo, Nagoya ect. While South Korea is basically Seoul, with an incredibly stark difference between the urban and suburb life.
Lastly, you can also understand the economic position by the emigration patterns. There are a lot more South Koreans that are emigrating out of Korea to North America than Japanese. The Japanese are overall prefer to live in Japan.

Tom Ki
Regarding your third point, there are other modernized metropolises in Korea besides Seoul… like Busan, Incheon, etc…

Hana Sarkar
Yes there are the other big cities …. Seoul it’s neighbouring city Incheon, Deagu, Deajeon.. and in fact the Gyeongdi-do area that surrounds Seoul is pretty modernized….. However, there is a difference in perception on modernization between the two countries. From what my Korean friends have told me, everyone just wants to be in Seoul! That city is seen as the hub of modernization by the majority of the population.
Whereas, while many Japanese people do want to move to Tokyo, a lot also put in equal consideration for Kyoto, Osaka, ….
I don’t know how to explain it in a way that makes sense >.< .. Maybe, Japan is close to North America where people not only go for New York as the only modernized place to be, but can also go to Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle… where more places are seen as modernization hubs…. Whereas, for most Koreans that I have met SEOUL is THE place to be 95% of the time when seeking better economic opportunities, be it school and work alike…. I havnt really met a Korean person that said they dream of living in Deajeon or Daegu.. or that’s the places that are able to provide the same kind of services as Seoul.

Walter J. Kline
I think you could try to imagine what South Korea would be like without Seoul. Then, compare that with imagining what Japan would be like without Tokyo. Japan has a stronger infrastructure.

Louis Lensborough
S. Korea’s GDP per capita surpassed Japan in 2016. Korea’s GDP was US$39,828 compared to Japan’s GDP of US$39,669. The trend is that S. Korea’s economy is getting stronger at a more increasing rate then Japan.

Taketomo Maekawa
Japan has never colonized Korea.
It ruled at the request of the Korean government at that time.
Please do not misunderstand it.

Brendon Williams
I’m pretty sure that Koreans, over all, prefer to live in Korea. Hello

Adam Fayed, lives in Japan
Japan. In terms of overall GDP, Japan has an economy of around 5 trillion USD, whereas South Korea has a GDP of about 1.4–1.5 trillion. In terms of per person income, Japan is a bit higher than Korea.
In terms of wealth, Tokyo has more millionaires than any other city in the world
In terms of living standards on a daily basis, there isn’t a huge difference though, and some things in Korea such as housing is generally speaking cheaper.

Jenny X. Wang, software engineer, math student, algorithms research.
HDI value 2017 (ranking in 189 countries/territories)
Japan 0.909 (19)
South Korea 0.903(22)
日本0.909 (19)

To have a fuller perspective, it makes sense to look at both GDP and GDPP.
While Japan and Korea’s GDP are similar (and not very high as they are ranked around 30ish), Japan is currently ranked 3rd in GDP (2016). South Korea, 11. This means that these two countries possess enormous economic strength (Japan much more so than Korea).
Japan has bigger territory and population than Korea right now. Even if the GDPP of South Korea surpasses that of Japan, it will have to be considerably bigger than Japan to be comparable in GDP.

Walter J. Kline, I am interested in learning about Japan and Korea.
Japan has more wealth. It’s not even comparable. It may be different 20 years from now, but Japan has way more wealth.

Tony Srithra, studied Taxation And Law (2020)
Japan is way more developed and richer than South Korea. To be honest, they are not even on the same league. Comparing Japan to South Korea is like comparing the USA to China. Japan is the world’s major economic engine and has way more global companies than South Korea.

korea is more advanced than Japan currently. They have faster internet.

Tyler Cottam (タイラー・コッタム), knows Japanese
Japan, and I can’t believe this isn’t obvious to everyone!! Anyone who would even think South Korea is better than Japan were probably dropped on their heads as a baby

Mohd Yousuf, former Retired Officer, NIT SRINAGAR at National Institutes of Technology (1964-2005)
Japan is obviously better and more advanced than south korea. Even wages of country (Japan) is more than that of South Korea. Yes,military power is greater in south korea because of their tensions but that doesn’t mean it is more developed than Japan. Also it is more big and has more industries than in Korea.Japan also has the third largest economy after the US and China. So, again it proves that Japan is more developed. Also after USA Japan is the second most advanced country in the world and south korea is at the no. 8

Seiichi Aoyama
Japan has far more nobel prize winners total 27, mostly in science. Korea only 1 ie, peace prize.

Tyler Cottam (タイラー・コッタム)
Finally someone with common sense. It literally makes me mad to see many ignorant racist Koreaboos bashing on Japan for no reason. Let’s face it, unless you’re a diehard fan of kpop, Japan is literally better in every way, whether you like it or not

Allen Portz
Japan has 5th best army in the world, far better than sk

Zhuang Yan, A China citizen
Korea has higer HDI and Japan has higher GDP per capita.
Among the three East Asian countries, people have an impression that Japan is more developed than Korea. Japan is more like an old developed country . South Korea is a newly industrailized country.

John L
korea is actually a very young modern country.

Well japan could be advanced now but it is now the setting sun. They didn’t recover their economy. Meanwhile S.Korea is keep developing. It is projected that S.Korea’s gdp per capita will overtake japan’s in 2023. S.Korea has overcome COVID-19 meanwhile it is still spreading in japan (Wrote in October 1st).

Seiichi Nohara, former Retired
When we look at how countries develop, it seems the norm is that catching-up to advanced countries from developing country status is a lot easier than developed country develops further. This applies to South Korea versus Japan. Some of the reasons for the slow growth of the Japanese economy lies in its ever-worsening birth rate, declining population, and aging population. And South Korea is now beginning to experience the same or more serious social problems than that of Japan. Therefore I can’t expect South Korea keep growing far faster than Japan for much longer.

i would say japan because it has been more developed for a much longer time since the meji restoration. where as south korea has only been developed since the 70s and 80s.

Afiq Aziz
To me the Japanese are more developed and Korea still has a little bit of catch up to do. The Japanese economy are much more diversified and definitely have a less monopolistic economic environment like Korea with their Chaebol.

Afiq Aziz
It is still dominated by Chaebol. 25% of the economy are dependent on Samsung. Currently looks like the government are getting serious about reducing the power of Chaebol. But we will never know for sure whether it will work or not.

Martin Andrews
Sorry but their situation is Simply much better than Japan, their growth rate is still more than double that of Japan and their expected to be much richer roo.
Samsung destroyed Japanese brands.

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