






If you are not joking, you are maliciously slandering China. In recent years, at the instigation of some big powers, Lithuanian politicians have frequently attacked China and done too many things hostile to China. In recent days, Lithuania has deliberately allowed the illegal Taiwan provincial government to set up official organizations in its country to challenge the one China policy, which has directly led to diplomatic degradation. After China’s repeated reminders, it is still stubborn. Should China respect such a country?


China’s series of responses are just a counterattack to provocation. You Lithuanians are so glass hearted. Why don’t you think about the truth that both evil causes and evil consequences will come to an end?


Anyone with a clear eye can see that Lithuania’s recent style of conduct has some American shadow. American politicians have made vicious remarks against China again and again and took the initiative to provoke disputes. When China counterattacks, they are full of grievances and say that China bullies them. There is no such reason.


In fact, if Lithuania had not repeatedly touched the bottom line, China would have no time to deal with this small country. Most Chinese people have never even heard of a country called Lithuania before. At most, some Chinese know that it is one of the three Baltic countries that seceded from the Soviet Union in 1991. Now, at least Lithuania can “successfully” make headlines in many international media, attract enough attention from the United States, and even win some praise, encouragement and support from the United States. But what else does Lithuania get?


In principle, all countries are equal and every country, large or small, should be treated equally.


However, principle is principle and reality is reality. In terms of etiquette, if Lithuania is our friend, we can respect him and treat him equally, but it is not qualified to be as important as a big country in the international political pattern.


But there are politicians who are always unwilling to stay quietly in narrow corners and always want to show their faces. In recent decades, Lithuania has taken a hostile position against Russia for historical reasons and sought the protection of the United States. In order to attract the attention of the United States and show its loyalty to the United States, Lithuania chose to follow the pace of the United States to attack China and then dance on China’s red line. I really don’t understand why Lithuanian politicians are so stupid.


Not only Lithuania, but also its main allies have taken some actions in response to the efforts of the United States to contain China: Canada arrested Huawei executives and released them 1000 days later due to insufficient evidence, which also proves that Canada’s so-called judicial independence is a joke; Australia followed the United States in criticizing China on the traceability of the new crown. It was still stiff lipped when the White House and U.S. intelligence agencies actually announced China’s innocence; In addition, the EU used human rights to slander China and suspended the process of the China EU comprehensive investment agreement.


However, as a small country with little international geopolitical influence, Lithuania is willing to be the vanguard of the United States and directly cross the red line to interfere in China’s internal affairs. After withdrawing from the cooperation agreement between China and central and Eastern European countries, it also tries to urge other EU countries to follow suit. Who’s bullying who?


Not to mention the gap in strength between countries, Lithuania’s own internal and foreign affairs are still in a mess.


Belarusian president Lukashenko said in September that Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, is the territory of Belarus.


In the past, public opinion used to regard Lithuania as a victim of the struggle of great powers and pay less attention to its territorial sovereignty dispute. In fact, Lukashenko’s claim is reasonable.


Before the first World War, Belarus and other neighboring countries belonging to the Russian Empire, including Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania, had no clear borders. These countries were claiming a certain amount of land. At that time, the international community generally believed that Vilnius was a part of the people’s Republic of Belarus, which was reasonable. Alexander pashkevich, a Belarusian historian, said that there was only one map of the border of Belarus at that time, and cities such as Vilnius, Smolensk and bialestock were named in Belarusian.

在第一次世界大战之前,白俄罗斯和属于俄罗斯帝国的其他邻国,包括乌克兰、波兰、立陶宛没有明确的边界,这些国家都在声索一定量的土地。当时国际普遍认为维尔纽斯是白俄罗斯人民共和国的一部分,这是合理的。白俄罗斯历史学家亚历山大·帕什凯维奇(Alexander Pashkevich)说,当时只有一张白俄罗斯边界地图,维尔纽斯、斯摩棱斯克和比亚莱斯托克等城市都是以白俄罗斯语命名的。

During World War II, Lithuania was occupied by the Nazis and liberated by the Soviet Red Army in 1939. After the establishment of the interim government, Belarusians dominated. Before that, Vilnius had been outside Lithuania for a long time, and the country even gave up its territorial claim to Vilnius. Later, the Soviet Union and Lithuania signed a mutual assistance agreement to return the Vilnius region to Lithuania. As a result, Lithuania’s territory expanded by a quarter, and Lithuania has since become a Soviet Republic.


After independence, Lithuania, once bullied by foreign powers, was poor and pitiful. As the “democratic bridgehead” of the United States in Eastern Europe, Lithuania has become a training base and shelter for the “Color Revolution”.


On April and August 14, 2020, Lithuania became the first EU country to openly oppose the legitimacy of Lukashenko as president of Belarus, and announced that it would open its borders to accept Belarusian “opposition” refugees. After a large number of Middle East refugees recently entered Lithuania through this border, Lithuania turned its face again and even instructed the border police to let dogs bite.


Lukashenko’s views on Vilnius’ status remind international public opinion that they have gradually forgotten this history. Alexander Gorsky, an expert at the Institute of world economy and international relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said that before the October Revolution, Vilnius was the center of Belarusian culture and was considered a part of Belarus. Now Lukashenko raised this question in the immigration crisis on the border of Belarus to remind people that Vilnius is a city in Belarus.


Then, if Lithuania does not respect China’s rights and sovereignty, why do you want the international community to firmly support Lithuania’s sovereignty?


Finally, to persuade Lithuania to stay away from the geopolitical gladiatorial arena of the great powers, if gan to do chess to drive, ushered in is bound to be its unbearable consequences.


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