






There is no need for Indians to belittle themselves. In contrast, India has many places that make China shudder.


India’s greatest deterrent to China lies in its unique military leadership and high military morale. The weapons of India’s three armed forces have been tested by time, but China is not. They know nothing about India strength. In any small-scale battle, India is confident to win by one to five.


India is also the most popular country in the world and recognized by superpowers and medium-sized countries, such as France, Britain, Germany, Canada, Australia and Japan. These countries are very willing to provide arms and ammunition assistance to India in a short time and agree to provide logistical support. India’s close relations with these countries are putting great pressure on China. India can create international public opinion against China in the short term. If it is not curbed, it will affect China’s economy for a long time.


Although China’s navy is much larger and more powerful than India, India controls the Indian Ocean, which is the only way for China’s ocean trade and energy lifeline. In addition, the Andaman Islands and Nicobar Islands under India’s control also act as a deterrent to China. From the perspective of geographical position, India is strategically the best region in Asia, The Strait of Malacca is the throat of East Asian trade, and India can easily control its access.


India is one of China’s largest trading partners. If the relations between the two countries are chaotic or even at war, China will lose hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue.


From a geopolitical point of view, India has the huge natural barrier of the Himalayas. Indians can easily cross the mountains and drive straight in, while China obviously does not have such ability.




I think China is most afraid that India will do something reckless because it is jealous of China’s achievements.


India and China were founded almost at the same time. India was even two years earlier. Both countries are populous countries with a long history. They once gave birth to splendid civilization. Since modern times, they have been invaded and bullied by great powers. There are so many similarities between the two countries that many people always like to compare each other.


The difference is that China must fight from scratch. At the beginning of the founding of the people’s Republic of China, in order to protect the country and start resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, China must stabilize itself and move towards prosperity step by step. China always has this belief.


In contrast, India’s peaceful external environment after the founding of the people’s Republic of China has been given a powerful army and an orderly bureaucratic system by Britain, and its economy and labor force have hardly been affected by the war. All these things that India once owned have made new China envy.


However, after decades of catching up and reversing, China has built once poor China into the world’s second largest economy, while Indians are still struggling to survive under the exploitation of the caste system.


China has kept a low profile for too long, so long that the United States does not dare to slack off, so that Japan is in constant fear, and India is blind but powerless because of jealousy.




In fact, China is afraid of being overtaken by India in many aspects, from internal affairs and diplomacy to military science and technology. Compared with India, China’s declining foreign investment worries it. Since 2015, India has ranked first in the world with foreign investment of US $63 billion, surpassing China’s US $59.6 billion. China and India are the most potential emerging economies in the world, the second and fifth largest economies in the world respectively. According to purchasing power parity, China ranks first and India ranks third. The two countries together account for 19.46% and 27.18% of the total global wealth respectively. Among Asian countries, China and India jointly contribute more than half of Asia’s GDP. India is the only country that is likely to surpass China, so it has brought some concerns to China.


In an article entitled “China should pay more attention to India’s increasing manufacturing competitiveness”, the authoritative Chinese media Global Times wrote: “although India is still in the primary stage of developing export-oriented manufacturing, it still has great potential to become a regional center of labor-intensive industries.” with the rise of China’s labor costs, The country’s labor-intensive industries are transferring to neighboring countries, including India and Vietnam. India’s salary cost is relatively low compared with China, which can well attract these enterprises to settle down. In this regard, India has obvious comparative advantages.


Young people in India have great talent. In 2020, the average age of Indians is 29, the Chinese are 37 and the Japanese are 40. In addition, India’s advantage in understanding English has helped Indians establish a good foundation in service industry or, more accurately, information and technology. Many companies in Silicon Valley are founded by Indian students. Some of the top companies in the United States are led by people of Indian descent. In the past few years, CA technology, an American software company, has dissolved its nearly 300 R & D team in China and established a team of about 2000 science and technology professionals in India. India is providing various management talents and R & D talents for major enterprises in the world. More and more knowledge-based companies are pouring into India, while China cannot provide the same talent pool as India.

印度年轻人具有巨大的天赋,2020年,印度人的平均年龄为29岁,中国人为37岁,而日本人为40岁。此外,印度在懂英语方面的优势帮助印度人在服务业或准确地说在信息和技术方面建立了良好的基础。许多在美国硅谷创业的公司都是由印度裔学生创办的。美国的一些顶级公司是由印度裔人士领导的。美国软件公司CA 科技公司在过去几年中解散了其在中国的近300人研发团队,同时在印度成立了一个拥有约2000名科技专业人员的团队。印度正在为世界各大企业提供各种管理人才和研发人才,越来越多的知识型公司正在涌入印度,而中国则无法提供像印度一样的人才库。评:印度处于人口红利期,确实为印度不可多得的优势,可印度擅长的是为欧美培养管理人才和技术人才,自己国家的产业倒是没发展起来几家

India can rely on the United States and other rich friends to launch satellites at a very low price. For example, this year, India launched 104 satellites into space and put them into orbit at one time, which is a pioneering undertaking in the history of world space and has aroused great interest of China. Seeing the successful attempt of India’s mangarian Mars exploration, China is also eager to try, Their own trip to Mars was unsuccessful. China reluctantly accepted the fact that India has mastered advanced technology in space.


India and the United States signed the memorandum of logistics exchange agreement (lemoa), a military agreement that promotes the paid provision of logistics support, materials and services between the United States and Indian forces and provides a management framework. After the recent small-scale border conflicts and developments, the United States is also very willing to support India and has successfully mobilized the support of the world. India has become stronger in the diplomatic circle.


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