






No. It will most likely collapse in a completely different way.


The United States will fall from its position as the world’s only superpower, either gradually or suddenly. The United States will stumble back to the so-called “difficult period”, which is almost what it looked like during the economic crisis more than 80 years ago. But in fact, compared with other countries in the world, we are still a big country, still quite strong and closely connected with other countries, although we have no longer been an unchallenged leader in the free world.


At that time, the world reserve currency will not be the US dollar, but the euro or RMB, or even some new or virtual currency. Our economy will lag far behind China and the eurozone by one third, and may even lag behind the cooperative economy of another country that does not yet exist. Why? Let’s start with history:


After the independence of the United States, although it can become a new country, people have been used to the “high degree of autonomy” political system. 13 states have a natural vigilance against the U.S. government. They don’t want to be continuously squeezed by the central government, so the power of the central government is greatly limited through the constitution.


The turning point to truly clarify the power of the central and local governments is the civil war. Textbooks say that the reason for the outbreak of the war is the differences in the abolition of slavery. In fact, the fundamental reason for the start of the civil war is that there are essential differences between the north and the South in their understanding of the American system.




The southern states believe that the U.S. government and the states are only equal relations, while the northern states believe that the U.S. government has the final power to interpret the constitution. After a long debate on this issue, both sides refused to compromise and concessions and went straight to work.


After the outbreak of the war, 30 million people in the United States were involved in the war. The war killed 750000 soldiers, disabled 400000 soldiers and affected an unknown number of civilians. Although the losses were very heavy, the civil war also solved a fundamental problem about the American Constitution: should the States listen to the central government? Since then, the United States has changed from “Confederation” to “federalism”, and the central government and state governments have been moderately decentralized.


Novel coronavirus pneumonia is like a mirror. What does the American people see? According to the survey data of Pew Research Center, 77% of Americans surveyed believe that after the epidemic, American society is more torn apart. American analysts pointed out pointedly that the political polarization and social tear in the United States are in the “most serious stage since the end of the civil war”, and the United States is experiencing the “darkest moment” in modern political history. Because we in the United States have great differences in society, geography, economy and race.




Because of these differences, we cannot agree on the importance of investing in future industries, especially in educating young people to lead these industries. We are quietly being left behind by China and Europe. Although it is hard to say now, because the headquarters of apple and Tesla are still here, and we still have a leading edge, social fragmentation and prejudice are sowing the seeds for our gradual decline.


Our debt is getting heavier and heavier, and there is no sign of slowing down. Most of this comes from extravagance and waste, military overspending and loose taxes on companies and the rich. The combination of extremely low tax rates with many financial loopholes and social welfare is doomed to make this country unable to make ends meet and overburden. Despite the criticism, the welfare of the poor accounts for only a small part of our budget. Congress and government officials represent the interests of only a small number of people. They will not care about the life and death of the poor. Perhaps they can only make a gesture and say a few good words when canvassing votes, that’s all.




Our government refuses to invest sufficient funds in infrastructure and education to maintain its competitiveness on the world economic stage. China’s infrastructure began to make us tremble, and the technology of Western Europe and Japan made us suffocate.


We do not attach as much importance to investment in the rapidly developing market as China. Africa is an emerging continent and the focus of the next century. China’s investment and loans in Africa are different from those of other countries. They are establishing friendly cooperative relations and connecting and integrating their economy with the African economy as a whole. This means that the future of African resources and cheap labor will belong to them, and we can only pick up some leftovers.


America’s expensive and inefficient medical system has done far more harm to the long-term and healthy development of our economy than we thought. Pharmaceutical giants are competing to raise prices. The people at the bottom are shy. Should they be deterred from medical expenses and wait for death at a loss?


Our public education system is terrible and getting worse. As the most advanced country on earth, our basic education level is surprisingly low.


We also have a strange anti intellectualist tendency, which will ensure that it will not improve for a long time. In the current social background and people’s attitude, the United States has a negative attitude towards knowledge and truth. In the United States, extensive public education is not carried out for the purpose of developing intelligence or cultivating learning pride, but for the so-called political and economic interests.


For decades, our economy has been in a dominant position in the world, and other countries are at our mercy. When children in the third world countries are still concerned about war and food and clothing, we are more concerned about whether our children can become excellent athletes and dancers. Such a life seems to be God given and born, but with the rise of China and other countries, these are being broken.


The White House is constantly withdrawing from various organizations and agreements, and our government and Congress refuse to take basic measures to protect themselves from gun violence and climate change. Our children and grandchildren will shake their heads in hatred of iron and steel and be surprised to find that we are so selfish and destroy the country for no reason when we give it to them together with the bills we owe.


In general, we still have the best hospitals and universities in the world, and we provide the most cost-effective way of life. This is a life sustaining agent to slow the decline of the United States, because rich immigrants still want to come here. We don’t realize that we demonize immigrants is why we are still competitive on the world stage. Without cheap labor from Mexico and talents from India and Asia, we would now be in an extremely disadvantageous position in the world competition. Companies will move to talent gathering places, and humble jobs will either not be filled, or the wages to be paid are too high, which will lead to massive inflation. But eventually, other places will become more popular, such as Canada and eurozone countries, and this is when the recession accelerates.


After the collapse and decline of the United States, in the end, one or two generations will suffer and establish a will and desire with professional ethics and toughness. I think it has begun now. I see this sign in our younger generation. But we still have a way to go. From then on, we may become more socially and economically healthy, but the damage remains and we will no longer be a separate superpower. If we have to slash military spending so much that we rely on allies rather than vice versa, we may not even be a superpower at all. However, this may be a good thing for our society.


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