






India has many powerful economic and political competitors in the Asia Indian Ocean region. Their relations with India are ups and downs and unstable. Some still have some differences on border issues and small-scale armed conflicts occur from time to time. Therefore, it is impossible for them to support India to obtain a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council.




If India gets such a seat, its strength and international influence will be greatly improved, but if it does not match, there will be disasters. In terms of India’s overall strength, it does not have the possibility to obtain this qualification, and it is not necessarily a good thing for India. On the issue of India’s accession to the permanent membership, India has also received the support of some other countries in the region, such as Japan and Brazil, but basically the thunder is loud and the rain is small.


On the other hand, it is not only China that opposes India’s permanent seat on the UN Security Council, but also the other four members of the five permanent members, namely Britain, the United States, France and Russia, will oppose this issue, because sharing this power with any country is not in their interests. I urge you not to be misled by the public statements made by representatives of various countries, especially some voices supporting India. The international community knows that they just want to verbally support India’s accession to the permanent membership in exchange for India’s huge consumer market and arms procurement market and earn benefits from India.


Under the principle of “unity of powers”, any proposal cannot be realized without the unanimous consent of the five permanent members. Therefore, the other four countries can publicly declare their support for India because they know that the remaining one will oppose or even resist at all costs. This will help them establish good relations with India, while the opposing countries are regarded as “troublemakers” of abuse of power by the Indian media. If the opposing country withdraws its opposition at the last minute, one of the other four countries will immediately resist. This is an unspoken secret between great powers.


In addition to India, Germany, Japan and Brazil are also interested in permanent seats on the United Nations Security Council. The four countries also signed an agreement on mutual support. However, the United States, Russia and China are openly opposed to these three countries. It is clear that a common agreement has been reached among the five permanent members to prevent the emergence of any new permanent members.


Another opposition group is “uniting for consensus” (UFC), which was formed in the mid-1990s. It is a group of countries opposed to the expansion of the United Nations Security Council. The opposition against Brazil, Germany, India and Japan are led by Argentina, Italy, Pakistan and South Korea, all of which are part of the UFC. They have the acquiescence and support of the five permanent members of the Security Council. Therefore, I advise India to die.




I read some answers above, I felt many answers didn’t get the main point.


The truth is: no one in the five countries is willing to share their rights.


The five permanent members of the Security Council all said that they agreed to expand the committee, but in fact they stood firm. Because it will increase transaction costs.


The U.S. government said it supported Japan’s accession to the Security Council because the United States knew that Russia and China would veto it. The United States said this in order to stabilize the mood of Japan, not only to facilitate the deployment of U.S. troops in Japan, but also to grasp the initiative in economic and trade issues. After all, it is only a matter of moving the mouth, and it is too late for the United States to be happy in exchange for such great benefits, and Japan will also regard the U.S. statement as grace and deepen the Japan US alliance.


China supports Germany to join the Security Council because it knows that the United States and France will vote against it. The United States and Russia said they supported India because they knew China would veto. Is there any interest connection here? The answer is arms sales, which hypes the friction between China and India. The United States and Russia can take the opportunity to sell backward domestic weapons and equipment to India.




Now you know what game they’re playing.


After all, China sacrificed 35 million soldiers and civilians in the Second World War. It can be said that the five permanent members made great sacrifices and made outstanding contributions in the anti fascist war. What has India done?




On this issue, major countries should make concessions to India for their own interests.


In the whole process of relatively unimpeded integration into the global market, the five permanent members have developed a sense of complacency and used their influence in the United Nations to prevent India from rising on the global stage. The major powers have always refused to expand the UN Security Council because once the ban is lifted, India, Japan and several other countries will be allowed to join.


In a sense, this has been supported by the United States, because when India expressed the idea of joining the permanent membership, it was also regarded by the United States as a pro Soviet country. I thought that now, the United States will also refuse India’s request. Time has changed. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, India was rejected for new reasons. India’s economic scale, social development level and even people’s well-being have become a key issue, because India is unqualified according to the indicators of the United Nations.


The five permanent members of the Security Council should attach importance to India’s existence, rather than shelving it in a corner. China has not seen the arrival of the era of India’s economic explosion. The labor dividend in emerging market countries has obviously begun to decline, and workers’ wages and production costs are getting higher and higher. Even if the policy is adjusted, its impact will take 30 years to begin to change. India has no such problem. It has the largest group of young people in the world. India also has a large number of skilled labor force. All countries should seize the opportunity of India’s development.


China needs one belt, one road strategy and its role in India today. The United States needs India as a viable export market to meet the needs of domestic production enterprises. Russia’s share of arms sales to India has been coveted for a long time. To achieve these goals, countries need to rethink the cost of preventing India from fully realizing its diplomatic potential as a global power. For decades, India has been deeply tied to the economies of major countries to determine the extent to which it can participate in globalized production and distribution. I believe that countries are likely to find that blocking India’s rise will only limit its future economic growth.


Because in a rapidly changing world, every bridge and road should be open to the free flow of trade. As far as the relationship and origin between India and the five permanent member states are concerned, any scholar who studies history and international politics knows that this relationship is too deep to break. Taking China as an example, before the Islamic invasion of India, India and China continued “exchange and interaction” for nearly 1500 years.


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