



Jeremy Markeith Thompson, Visited and lived in China & Taiwan

Answered Jun 2, 2017 ·

I am a Black American. I lived in Beijing, China teaching English. I never had any negative interactions with Chinese people. My Chinese co-workers enjoyed working with me. We laughed and played, but still kept our focus on providing an excellent product for our adult students. After work, I enjoyed hanging out with my co-workers.


At my place of work, I taught adult students. Some of them asked me about racism and prejudice toward minorities in the USA. They were very concerned about visiting or moving to a country where they would encounter racism and prejudice. None of my students ever said one negative word about Black people.


In the streets of Beijing, I spent plenty of time walking, taking taxis, riding subways and buses, hanging out at markets and going shopping. I always received excellent treatment from everyone that I interacted with in public. I never felt fear or threatened. I would be outside late at night to go eat. I always felt like another Chinese citizen.


I remember fracturing my toe. I needed to get to the hospital. A Chinese friend of mine was a driver. He saw me in pain trying to get to public transportation. He quickly came over and offered to take me in his car. My Chinese is broken, but at the hospital my friend gave me his number and told me to contact him after I finished. I called him after I received treatment at the hospital. He had another friend come pick me up.


I had to wear a removable cast on my foot for a few weeks. Everywhere I went, Chinese people would ask me if I were okay. In fact, older women would come up to me, rub me on my back and tell me that everything would be fine. I never had so much concern shown for me at any earlier point in my life. I asked one of my Chinese women friends why people were so concerned about me. She told me it was because they cared about me. Later on, at home alone, I broke down in tears over the love shown for me.



Mahesh Shetty

Jun 11, 2017 · 99 upvotes including Jeremy Markeith Thompson

That’s a wonderful experience you have shared Jeremy.

I am an Indian man living in Shanghai for two years now And I would concur with what you are saying. The Chinese have been very nice and helpful to me and not once have I felt differentiated because of my colour. People here are very interested in foreigners and one might experience people coming up to them randomly for a picture together or just stare at you But that is out of sheer curiosity and that’s only human. I am making efforts to learn Mandarin so I can communicate with people here. My experience with Chinese people has been amazing to say the least.



Bhavesh Aggarwal

Jun 3, 2017 · 29 upvotes including Jeremy Markeith Thompson

Can’t blame you for crying, hell, I’m moved to tears


Kimberly Davies

Jun 17, 2017 · 15 upvotes including Jeremy Markeith Thompson

Thank you for showing that side of China! I have read so many tourist stories and stories of the most shocking things there but yours is the first to show everyday interactions. No wonder so many of my Chinese friends miss there.


Joe Munson

Jun 2, 2017 · 11 upvotes including Jeremy Markeith Thompson

I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if your safer around Chinese cops than american cops.


Lara Bhardwaj

Jun 6, 2017 · 1 upvote from Jeremy Markeith Thompson

A great share! So glad to see your excellent experience in China.


Fuller Kristov

Jun 4, 2017 · 3 upvotes including Jeremy Markeith Thompson

Asian folks are very humble people. I have high respect for the chinese they treat anyone like a human being they don’t care what color your skin is.


Chris Garcia

Dec 16, 2017

I believe the author’s experience would be far different if he were not from the US and were actually from Africa or another of what the vast majority of Chinese people term “third world” countries.

You could almost say that any discrimination was not based on race, but on perceived socio-economic status. If blacks from Africa are tolerated, it would only be by those Chinese who have surpassed racist tendencies or those who have vested financial interests. For example, blacks from Africa or other “third world” countries are hired to teach, but paid a fraction of the salary a person from the US or other similar country would earn.



Jeff Jackson

Apr 27, 2018

There is one thing that the US media shows about countries they do not like and there is another thing which are the actual experiences of people when they visits these countries. The real iron curtain these days is the western media and their bigotry.


Elif Ardianto

Sep 25, 2017

As long as I know Chinese don’t have any problem in interacting with black people, they treat our black friends well. It’s different when we talk about Koreans, it’s another story, Koreans tend to be racist toward black people.


Shyla Gangwar

Jun 16, 2017 · 3 upvotes

Great to know your wonderful experience in China. Unfortunately, in India it’s not the same. Violence against African students is every now and then in India. Hopefully, things will get better here soon.


Meredith Nowak

Jun 5, 2017 · 2 upvotes

you really think so? I am a native Chinese, in my impression, most of my friends include me are afraid of black people and we will stay away from them subconsciously… no offence but just discussing


Stewart Bone

Mar 25, 2018

I work with three coloured guys, they have had zero issues. Chinese people seem pretty fair and respectful.


Edison Mwenya

Jun 13, 2017

I am an African studying in China and they are really Good people who love to interact with Blacks especially if you can speak Chines


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