



This shows the difference between Indian and Chinese graduates.


Many Indian graduates seek employment in the US and hold high positions in US companies, while Chinese graduates return to China to participate in building up their own country. This has been going on for many years and this is partly the reason for China’s massive growth over the years.


Indian graduates need to be more nationalistic and return to India to help to build their own country up.


I agree that this is true based on my own experience in the IT industry in Malaysia.


Ever since the 1990s (could have been earlier) until about 2010, we regularly received calls from IT companies in India asking us to outsource application development to them because they are cheaper. And many programmers from India came to Malaysia to work on projects. I believe Malaysia is just one of many countries that the Indians approach. This indicates a lack of jobs in India.


But there is another difference between India and China. While China is internationally well known for Alibaba, Weibo, Wechat, Tencent, etc, India is not known for similar things. Somehow, I get the impression that Indians choose to work for others instead of developing something for themselves. And the US provides many opportunities to work for others. Some Chinese graduates, on the other hand, prefer to create something for themselves.



Alex Wong Jian

A country needs to make itself an attractive place for talents to go to. In the movie “Field of Dreams”, Kevin Costner said: If you build it, they will come.

China did that. Build infrastructure, improve business environment, invest in education, open industrial parks, providing incentives for relocations and all to benefit…too many to list them all, over 40 years persistently.

In the process when things went astray the government quickly took corrective actions decisively.

Nationalism alone can’t make things click. You need actions and determination and long-term planning.

India is not in the same league. Indian elites know.






Reiner Sousa

You have to also consider the DNA of people. Secondly in India it is all about family ……..Indian business firms are not run on professional basis but family firms. Even in Politics it is about family …………

Thirdly India is an irresponsible democracy; but that’s not the end of it; Merit is always sidelined by Cronyism and favoritism. Then again it is the Caste system. Then the utter Selfishness and Jealousy and opportunism, and not the public good.



Tafadzwa Murwira

You said it all. I have nothing to add. This is the same case in many countries such as Zimbabwe. The leadership does not provide a conducive business environment to attract investors let alone its own citizens.


M Yunggar

and this description is fast becoming the new trend in Malaysia as well. Corruption is prevalent from top to bottom left to right


Hong Yinpui

Looking at the angle assuming human are selfish.

Indian although is democratic, India is not attractive to Indians. It is like last decades, 9 over 10 China graduate prefer not to return to China.

Normal people do not care much about the NAME of the political system.

Normal people only interested whether home soil is fertile or not for a secured living.

Let’s put the blame on India for not providing secured and fertile soil for their graduates.






Ashu Shekhar

Chinese government provides incentives to make-in-China and fend-off competition, e.g. there is Alibaba for Amazon, Baidu for Google. Michael Jordan lost a case in China against a copycat “Jordan” in China. International Patents and copyrights are not enforced.

On the other hand, Indian Flipkart was sold to Walmart. India’s rich are still old-industry names e.g. Ambani, Adani, not many “new” breed of billionaires.

In India, these billionaires control the government and minds of people (Ambani alone owns 10+ national news channels), exactly opposite in China.

Democracy in India and US is only in the name nowadays. India and US are going backwards by denying science. In US, many people are struggling to make ends meet while 1% are legally allowed to evade taxes.





Willy Gramm

It’s not necessaarily nationalism on the part of Chinese immigrants; it could be that they just don’t get executive-track opportunities even at companies they’ve worked at for years. They get those opportunities back in China, apparently. US companies seem to groom Indian immigrants for top positions more than Chinese immigrants; in fact, they seem to prefer Indian immigrants over Chinese and Asian Americans who were born in the US. Especially for more visible positions like CEO, like the CEOs of Microsoft (Satya Nadella), Google (Sundar Pichai), and Pepsi (Indra Nooyi until 2018). There have been top Chinese American execs but usually in roles that are less visible; Kai-fu Lee at Microsoft comes to mind; he rose to prominence working for the Chinese branches of Microsoft and Google, though he’s basically American, having immigrated here as a teenager. Interestingly, when a Chinese American is CEO it’s usually at a company they started, like Jensen Huang at Nvidia or Min Kao at Garmin.

Point is, there seem to be more opportunities for Indian immigrants in the US and more opportunities for Chinese immigrants in China.

这并不一定是中国移民比印度移民更有民族情怀;也有可能是,即使是在他们已经工作多年的公司,他们也得不到晋升的机会。然而,他们能在中国获得了这些机会。相比中国移民,美国公司似乎更愿意为印度移民提供高层职位;事实上,他们似乎更喜欢印度移民,而不是在美国出生的华裔和亚裔美国人。尤其是像CEO这样更显眼的职位,比如微软(萨蒂亚•纳德拉)、谷歌(桑达尔•皮查伊)和百事(英德拉•努伊,2018年卸任)的CEO。也有一些美籍华人高管,但他们的角色通常不那么显眼;我想到了微软的李开复;但他基本上算是美国人,十几岁时移民到这里,但他在微软和谷歌的中国分公司工作时声名鹊起。有趣的是,当华裔美国人担任CEO时,通常是在他们自己创办的公司担任,比如英伟达(Nvidia)的黄延森(Jensen Huang)高佳敏???(Garmin Kao)【音译】。


William Edward Joseph Leow

Oh no, there were many Chinese studying in the West in the 60s and many had bright future because they excelled in their prospective fields and had a life but they all chose to return. I do know a few of them and what they did however I do not remember their name.


Max Legend

very true written and experienced his logical facts. Indian professionals don’t get0r available that profession there of a good job in India at all. They have to create it like China.


Alok Singh

It was not like this for the Chinese until two decades ago. Indians and Chinese abroad were similar. Then big opportunities came for the Chinese at home. Similarly, a large number of Indians are returning home after higher education abroad, because of our expanding educational opportunities. Even abroad, most Indians are employed in companies, unlike earlier when they were mainly in academics (these days you hardly find any IIT graduates in academics abroad, even though there are still many Indians in academics).

There is nothing’s like patriotism in this. Industry refuses to take roots in India. So there are no opportunities here to come back to. People are choosing incompetent leaders who thrive only by spreading hate in the name of religion etc.




I don’t agree with you. It’s not that Chinese people have serious nationalism, but that Asians are more vulnerable to discrimination in employment. American companies are unwilling to provide Asians with higher positions and better job opportunities. They are hostile to Asians. As China’s domestic economy gets better and better, they can also find a satisfactory job in China, so they return to China.


Stanley Mok

There are some YouTube videos analyses India IT industry is serving oversea client needs, domestic need is almost nonexistent. This is due to the very slow industrialization, and is because cannot build infrastructure needed due to the difficulty in land reform and acquisition. With their political system and social structure, it will be a long time this can be realized.


Eric Sim

Once a country grows too fast, it invites jealousy from the already rich nations. Most societies have been built on class differentiation carried on from historical days. Once born a low caste, you’re not allowed to even befriend the higher caste. When Japan was growing so fast back in the 70s & 80s, look how many trade barriers were erected. After their WW2 defeat, Japan chose the conciliatory approach & back off. But the strategy paid off as Japanese high end products actually causes the loss of US factories, NOT CHINA’s low end products, a total misconception by the world. Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Konica, Sony. Kubota, on & on. Wake up, US politicians.


Erric Chew

As I understand it, most Chinese graduates prefer to return to China as there are more work opportunities and the work/social environment has improved a lot; it already has world class facilities and starting to lead the world innovation and technology; so comparing purely on infrastructure alone, not counting the quality and benefits of an overseas education, China is ahead of the USA. So the Chinese graduates are returning to a world class economy. But compared that to India, India is still very far behind and sagging with poverty; so for Indians its only logical to leave a poorer India for a richer one.


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