

前段时间,外国Quora网站贴出一个问题:为什么中国不生产日韩那样质量好的产品呢?(Why does China not make quality products like Japan and Korea do?),引起了国外网友热议,让我们看看他们是怎么说的吧。



Patrick Law, BA Mathematics & Philosophy, University of Toronto (1973)

Answered Dec 5

We must realize that if China can build the fastest super computers, top notch high speed trains, construct the most complicated bridges, put man in space, and in a few years, maybe the only country in the world that has a space station, must be able to produce better quality consumer products? The answer is definitely, YES they can.

But you wonder why you don’t see better quality products at stores like Walmarts, Targets and Canadian Tire Stores etc? The answer is very simple: China, the factory of the world, will submit various quotations according to its customers’ specs; the purchasers (your super store owners) would make the final decision based on their own objectives, usually their choices are the ones that give them the maximized profits. As for the consumers, don’t blame China for not able to produce high end products, because they certainly can. If you really have to blame someone, blame your corporate billionaires that know too well what their customers (you) want. In most cases, for the cheap prices you paid, you are getting pretty reasonable quality.

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John Ohkuma, Film & Television Actor at SAG-AFTRA (2013-present)

Answered Aug 21

Did this question post in the 1990s? Probably posted via an Apple product.

When I was a little kid ‘Made in Japan’ was actually a joke. If something broke too easily, or was just low quality garbage right out of the box, we would say “Made in Japan.” It wasn’t long before that was no longer a joke, and by the 1990s we were all trying to learn the secrets behind Japanese success. People in the United States suddenly were eating sushi and reading ‘The Book of Five Rings’ because they figured there was some mystical Japanese samurai spirit to being successful.



We wondered at how these drunk, karaoke singing, badly dressed, submissive worker ants from a tiny country whose ass we kicked only a few decades ago suddenly were on the verge of having the most powerful economy in the world.

And Korea was desperately trying to catch up following the Japanese model, but their economy was so weak that the IMF had to take over. If you walked through Seoul in the late 1990s you would see signs on businesses noting IMF pricing. It was like the Red Cross coming to the rescue of catastrophic disaster victims. If you bought something there, it would disintegrate within a week, and you felt like an idiot for not spending the money for the Japanese item first on something you then had to buy twice.



Meanwhile China was taking over the bulk of cheap manufacturing. It could have just as easily been Malaysia or the Philippines raking in the cheap manufacturing dollars, but it was China because they had a national plan and strategy. They didn’t follow the Japanese model. They didn’t worship Japan’s bubble economic success and all that came with it.

At first it was all very simple stuff to make, with low quality materials, but now it’s your iPhone. In fact now, if you’re in Japan, the culturally iconic clothing of kimono, jinbei, geta, and so forth may be made in China because of Japan’s desperate labor shortage and unwillingness to accept immigrants working in anything other than low pay, blue collar jobs. Japan resists diversity of talent, ideas, and particularly ethnicity. But not China, because China has always been diverse, has plenty of people.



Fifteen years ago consumer technology in Japan was five to ten years ahead of any other country. It was the future. Now the world has certainly caught up, and China has found its second wind.

I’m not saying China no longer makes cheap crap, or that the standard of living has surpassed Japan and Korea, but Korea is only about five years into making high quality manufactured goods, Japan has slowed down to a crawl and started falling behind, while Chinese have more new billionaires, has the most people traveling worldwide, and is experiencing rapid growth without the bubble.

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