




Having lived in both countries, here is my opinion of the places where India is ahead of China


1. Culture(China has some, but India has far more, with dozens of colourful dances, traditional clothes used in daily life, folksongs, etc.)


2.Food – taste and variety (again, China has varied food and many tasty dishes, but India has far more. I mean, we have >300 ways /dishes of potato alone)


3. Music(again, China has a reasonable repertoire, but India out performs with its sheer variety and richness)


4. Literature(Here too, China has a rich repertoire, includign the roks of Li Bai – Jing ye si, 静夜思etc. – but India, with ancient and modern epics in over 20 languages outperforms it. The Rig Veda itself has far more philosophy packed into it than all of the Analects)


5.Variety of Languages(India – with over 15 official languages, all with different scripts – has far more numerous languages than China – which has 5 official languages with different scripts)


6. History- again, China has a rich history as compared to Europe and USA, bu India has far more evidence of it, with huge monuments dating back to 7th century AD (Ellora, Elephanta, the forts of the North and temples of the south) and even earlier – upto 2nd century BC surviving intact.


Of course, at the end of the day, all the above are valuable only after our basic needs are fulfilled. And that is where India is sadly way behind.


1. Culture – But… it is difficult to reach places so that once can see these for oneself. Our transport, bus, train links are far behidn what China (or even Philippines!) has

1. 文化底蕴深厚,但是区域文明之间联系薄弱,印度的汽车、铁路等交通线路远远落后于中国,甚至都不如菲律宾,是造成这一缺陷的主要原因。

2. Food – But… most of our restaurants are uncomfortable, and the eating areas are dirty. The roadside dhaba has excellent quality food, but you have to stand (normal!) or sit on a rickety plastic chair and plastic table in mud to eat.

2. 饮食丰富但卫生不达标。印度绝大多数的餐厅并不舒适,许多用餐区都很脏,路边三轮车卖的达巴非常美味,但是你只能站着吃,如果你不嫌弃的话,坐在破烂的塑料椅子和沾满泥巴的桌子上用餐也可以,

3. Music – But… the number of places one can hear this has reduced. In China, I hear people playing the erhu in parks regularly. In India on the other hand, it is sadly rare to find people playing say the flute in a park. I have had to resort to you tube, or the occasional time when a concert is held less far from our house. To travel after these concerts is a pain as public transport is pathetic even in large cities like Mumbai (do they think these are luxuries only meant for rich folk with cars?)

3. 音乐种类丰富但少有传承。在中国,我经常听到有人演奏二胡,但在印度,我很少看到有人在公园演奏长笛,想听传统音乐,不得不求助YouTube或者在离家不远的地方观看音乐会。

4. Literature – But… we hardly have any good public libraries where we can read them. Every Chinese city has a few multi storied huge free public libraries open from 6 am to 10 pm, we have exceptionally few of these in India. Not to mention that our university libraries (or even private ones like Bhandarkar in Pune) are pathetic inside.

4. 文学根底深厚但是文化设施匮乏。在印度没有什么公共图书馆,而在中国,几乎每座城市都有大型免费公共图书馆,从早上到晚,除了节假日,日日不休,而我们印度,不说公共图书馆,就是大学图书馆藏书都少得可怜。

5. Variety of languages – But… this has turned into a reason for people to get divided from each other. It is next to impossible to learn an Indian language in India in a proper university or private part time regular course. Unlike China where it is easy to learn Mandarin (中文) in all universities. In India on the other hand, it is easier for me to learn German (Max Muller bhavan) or French (Alliance Francaise) rather than learn, say Gujarati if I were to be living in Chennai or Mumbai. Isnt that sad?

5. 语言多样却从未统一。印度语言众多,但这也成为印度人分裂的重要原因。在这里,通过正规大学或私下学习一门课程几乎不可能,不像中国,有一种统一的文字和语言——普通话,在印度,不同的省你只能学习那一个省的语言。

6. History – But… it is really sad to see how badly these places are kept. the government does not care, the people do not care. men peeing on the 400 year old walls of a fort in Jaipur. Stunning caves and temples in Ajanta and Ellora look uncared for. In China, they have recreated their old structures, and make them look and feel nice, with gardens and chairs for people to sit.


Therefore, if India wants to return to the status of world-class power, it needs to make corrections in the above aspects.


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