





I want to talk about this issue from the perspective of a Korean. There are profound historical reasons for the complex relations between China, Japan and South Korea, which leads to the poor relations between them today. Moreover, South Korea has always been weak and has been subject to pressure.


In fact, hundreds of years ago, Chinese and Koreans looked down on the Japanese very much.


A large number of Japanese pirates often operate in the coastal areas of China and South Korea, harassing the people, burning, killing and looting. Although these Japanese pirates are short, they are insidious, cunning and cruel, which has greatly damaged the stability of the coastal areas of the two countries. You can see the contemptuous description of the Japanese by the ancients of the two countries in the historical records of China and South Korea.


South Korea’s real hatred for Japan comes from several aggressive wars launched by Japan on the Korean peninsula since modern times.


During the Korean Dynasty, the Japanese launched the Indo Tianjin war and the Zheng Yu war. Although both sides suffered heavy casualties, Japan relied on ready-made plundering materials and more advanced military forces and adopted scorched earth tactics similar to the “three light policy” to continuously disintegrate the will of the Korean people to resist. They committed all kinds of evil, and even the Qingbo palace, the main palace of the Korean Dynasty, was burned, The king can only seek refuge in a smaller palace in the capital, which is a shameful page in North Korea’s history.


Then, with the rise of Japanese imperialism and right-wing thought, the control of the Korean Peninsula by the Qing Dynasty ended, and South Korea came to the most terrible era. Under the crazy bite of Japan and Russia, the Korean Peninsula was annexed by Japan in 1909, and the 36 year oppressive colonial era finally came.


The evils and crimes committed by Japan during this period are well known, so I won’t repeat them. However, the reason why hatred persists is that after the war, Japanese right-wing elements denied the enslaved oppression and massacre of the people of China, North Korea and Southeast Asian countries, which caused strong protests in relevant countries. In addition, the territorial disputes between China and Japan, South Korea and Japan have also exacerbated the friction between them.


China and South Korea do not have a heavy historical burden. Even if they have fought each other, it is also the product of specific conditions in a special period. Therefore, the two countries are not particularly targeted.


On the contrary, some folk issues are hot. When discussing the origin of some heritage, Koreans always have disputes with the Chinese, such as the dispute over the ownership of liziqi kimchi and the origin of Korean clothes some time ago.


However, in any case, we must admit that in a long history, North Korea was a subsidiary of the Central Plains Dynasty. North Korea was conquered and invaded by the Central Plains Dynasty many times, which planted the seeds of fear in the hearts of many Koreans. At the same time, North Korea accepted the spread of Confucianism from China, internalized it into the Korean nation’s own ideology and learned Chinese architecture, Diet and various technologies. Even before Shizong, the words used in South Korea were Chinese. All kinds of grievances in history led to the interweaving of love and hate today.


I come from China. In my opinion, the bad relationship between China, Japan and South Korea is mainly caused by the United States.


I won’t talk about some historical things. After all, we should base ourselves on the present and face the future. I would like to talk about the external factors that provoke relations between the three countries.


The United States has two biggest nightmares. One is that Russia joins the EU, and then France can assume the role of political leadership. Germany leads the economic development of the EU as an economic engine, and Russia provides security for Europe. In this way, the United States will always lose its influence in Europe, and the American hegemony system will gradually collapse.


The other is the economic integration between China, Japan and South Korea. If it is realized, it will become the world’s largest economy surpassing North America and the European Union. On this day, it will not be far from the birth of the Asian dollar, which will bring a fatal blow to the dollar system. However, in the past, the natural gas projects in Russia and Germany were frequently sanctioned by the United States, the two Japanese Youhua prime ministers were forced to resign, and the South Korean President had a hard end. All these represent the deliberate manipulation of American forces behind the scenes.


I will elaborate from the perspective of Japan, and I will try to be fair.


Historically, China has always been a cultural giant and a cultural monument. Both South Korea and Japan admire China. They are introducing and imitating their culture, philosophy, art and political system, and Confucian culture is integrated into all aspects of the three countries.


Since modern times, Japan has developed rapidly and gradually “separated from Asia and entered Europe”. The values of the western enlightenment, including legal system, equality and elite management, have constantly transformed Japanese society. He believes that only by adopting a western style regime can you become civilized.


At that time, “Fukuzawa Youyi”, the founder of Japanese modernization, knew the crux of Asia’s backwardness. The feudal dynasty at that time was still unwilling to realize national modernization and was defeated by the west again and again. He finally proposed to “leave Asia and join Europe” and become an imperialist country.

当时日本现代化的开创者“福泽佑一”深知亚洲落后的症结所在,当时的封建王朝仍然不愿实现国家现代化,一次次地被西方打败。他最后提出“离开亚洲,加入欧洲”, 成为一个帝国主义国家。

The reason for this is that both South Korea and Japan have the inferiority complex of Confucianism, because they have no choice but to please China and think that China is superior when China is strong and prosperous. This sense of inferiority had a profound impact on Japan’s “leave Asia and join Europe” movement, which replaced this sense of inferiority with another sense of inferiority. They used to think China was superior, but now they think the “West” is superior. You can’t deny our Japanese learning attitude, as well as our character. We show weakness when we should be weak and strong when we should be strong.


According to Confucianism, when the strong oppress the weak through force or “kindness”, or when the weak succumb to the strong, the conflict will be solved. When the Qing Dynasty was suddenly invaded by the west, this stable pattern was made a mess. Japan soon seized the opportunity to impose its strong intentions on other countries, such as China and South Korea. This is also the fundamental reason for the poor relations between the three countries.


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