




India’s economic development model is the world’s leading. It attaches importance to consumption rather than investment, expands domestic demand rather than exports, pays attention to the service industry rather than the manufacturing industry, and rebuilds emerging industries rather than labor-intensive industries. Therefore, India is known as the “world office”.


This economic development model enables the Indian economy to resist the impact of the global economic recession, and shows strong resilience and strong economic growth expectations. Although India was affected by the economic crisis, after its economic stability, its economic growth rate exceeded that of China, and experts placed high hopes on it, calling it the most promising country to surpass China.


The quality and efficiency of India’s economic growth are relatively good. For example, India’s savings are only half that of China, but about 10% of China’s overseas direct investment flows into India every year. Companies such as Xiaomi and Huawei provide rich jobs and bring vitality to India’s economic development. India lags behind China in infrastructure construction for about 10-15 years, but India’s economy grows faster. More than 30-40% of its GDP comes from productivity growth rather than capital or labor growth.


Compared with China, India has certain advantages in many aspects:




(1) Cultivated land area. China’s total cultivated land area is 128.2 million hectares, with a per capita cultivated land area of 0.097 hectares, ranking 114th in the world. India is the country with the largest cultivated land in the world, with an area of about 160 million hectares, far exceeding China. At present, China has only one tenth of arable land. Compared with the 55% coverage of cultivated land in India, the per capita cultivated land is more than twice that of China. So basically don’t worry about food and clothing.

(一) 耕地面积。中国总耕地面积1.282亿公顷,人均耕地面积0.097公顷,居世界第114位。而印度是世界上耕地最多的国家,耕地面积约1.6亿公顷,远远超过中国。目前,中国只有十分之一的可耕地。与印度全国55%的耕地覆盖率相比,人均耕地是中国的两倍多。所以基本上不用担心温饱问题。



(2) Software industry. India’s software industry is booming and is the most developed software industry in the world. India currently has a large number of software talents and professionals. In terms of output value, exports account for the majority. According to McKinsey’s report, by 2020, India’s IT service and logistics industry will employ 4 million workers, making it an industry with an annual export of US $57 billion, or 7% of India’s GDP. In contrast, the development of China’s software industry started late and the gap is huge.

(二) 软件产业。印度的软件产业正在蓬勃发展,是世界上最发达的软件产业重地。印度目前拥有大量的软件人才和专业人才。在产值方面,出口比重占大多数。根据麦肯锡的报告,到2020年,印度的IT服务和物流业将雇佣400万工人,使其成为一个年出口570亿美元的行业,或占印度GDP总额的7%。相比之下,中国软件产业的发展起步较晚,差距巨大。

(3) Financial institutions. India’s financial system operates well and the proportion of non-performing loans is low. The non-performing loan ratio of commercial banks is only 10.8%. India’s stock market is relatively mature and is an important place for Indian enterprises to raise funds.

(三) 金融机构。印度金融体系运行良好,不良贷款比例较低。商业银行不良贷款率仅为10.8%。印度股市相对成熟,是印度企业融资的重要场所。

(4) Population advantage. Data show that in a few years, India’s population will surpass China and become the most populous country in the world. This is not the key. The key is that the proportion of young people in India is much higher than that in China. At least 10 million people are employed in India every year, most of them young people around the age of 18. Low labor cost has become India’s main competitive advantage. Compared with China, India’s population advantage may be prominent in the next few years, and China’s aging trend is accelerating.

(四) 人口优势。数据显示,几年后,印度人口将超过中国,成为世界上人口最多的国家。这不是关键,关键是印度年轻人的比例远远高于中国。印度每年至少有1000万人就业,其中大部分是18岁左右的年轻人。低劳动力成本已成为印度的主要竞争优势。与中国相比,印度人口的优势在未来几年可能会突出,而中国的老龄化趋势正在加速。

(5) Enterprise system. India’s private capital has accumulated rich experience in its operation. After India’s independence, private consortia in the colonial era developed further, and a large number of new private consortia emerged at the same time.

(五) 企业制度。印度的私人资本在其运营中积累了丰富的经验。印度独立后,殖民地时代的私人财团进一步发展,同时涌现出了大量新的私人财团。

After India’s economic reform, a large number of private companies or private consortia engaged in IT industry, pharmaceutical industry, food processing industry, garment and textile industry, cement construction industry and hotel tourism grew rapidly and soon entered global operation. India’s modern enterprise system is relatively perfect and the level of enterprise management is high.


(6) Talent and education internationalization. India has more international talent exchanges than China. Due to the popularity of English in India and the English teaching language used by higher education institutions, Indian college students can successfully obtain important information about the world’s scientific and Technological Development and promote the communication between Indian students and international elite schools. Indian university education pays more attention to innovation education, and students’ innovation ability is stronger. Some universities and professional institutions in India enjoy a high reputation in the world.

(六) 人才与教育国际化。印度的国际人才交流比中国多。由于印度英语的普及和高等教育机构使用的英语教学语言,印度大学生可以成功地获得有关世界科技发展的重要信息,并促进印度学生与国际精英学校之间的交流。印度大学教育更注重创新教育,学生的创新能力更强。印度的一些大学和专业机构在国际上享有很高的声誉。

(7) 80% of Hindus believe in Hinduism. Therefore, Indians pay more attention to spiritual life. Indians pay attention to a stable social environment. Therefore, although there will be occasional riots in India, most Indians inherit the spirit of Gandhi and advocate “no resistance” like opposing British colonialism. Although successive Indian governments have some problems, they will not let the situation get out of control.


(8) Legal system. India’s legal system is sound. After India’s independence, the legal system has been gradually improved and the public’s legal awareness has been gradually strengthened, which provides a legal guarantee for the development of market economy. Market economy is a legal economy. Without a sound legal system, it is impossible to develop a market economy. Its legal source is British law. As a former British colony, India can better integrate the law into the international community.

(八) 法律制度。印度的法律体系是健全的。印度独立后,法律体系逐步完善,公众的法律意识逐步增强,为市场经济的发展提供了法律保障。市场经济是法制经济。没有健全的法制,就不可能发展市场经济。其法律的渊源是英国法律,印度作为英国曾经的殖民地能够更好地将该法律融入国际社会。

(9) Infrastructure. India’s social infrastructure has lagged behind China for decades, which is also a major bottleneck in India’s economic development. However, gaps mean opportunities. With the development of India’s infrastructure, these infrastructure investments will further promote India’s economic development.

(九) 基础设施。印度的社会基础设施落后中国几十年,这也是印度经济发展的一个主要瓶颈。然而,空白意味着机遇,随着印度基础设施的发展,这些基础设施投资将进一步推动印度的经济发展。

(10) Military exchanges. Although people have always said that India’s weapons are “general licenses” and made up of parts from various countries, it can not be denied that if India can convert these products into its own military industrial products, India’s overall military strength will be greatly improved. Even now, India’s military procurement and military cooperation are easier than China. Of course, Indians have a lot of silly money and are often “slaughtered“.

(十) 军事交流。尽管人们一直说印度的武器是“通用许可证”,是各国零件拼凑出来的,但不能否认,如果印度能够将这些产品转化为自己的军事工业产品,印度的整体军事实力将大大提高。即使现在,印度的军事采购和军事合作也比中国容易。当然,印度人傻钱多,而且经常被“宰”。

Of course, we have to admit that India has many unsatisfactory places. The efficiency of domestic services is relatively low, and it is often impossible to concentrate on making a breakthrough in one aspect. According to a World Bank study, the time required to start a business in India is twice as long as that in China. The registered assets in India are 67 days, compared with 32 days in China; It takes 425 days to perform the contract in India, compared with 241 days in China. India’s social and economic division is also very serious. Modernization and backwardness coexist, with obvious contrast and prominent contradictions.


India is one of the world’s economic powers, is also fully qualified and capable of promotion to the third or even second largest power in the world, but we still need to know, a quarter of the world’s poorest people live in India; India is the sixth largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world, but hundreds of millions of Indians lack electricity and energy; More than 300 universities have trained more than 3 million scientific elites, but 40% of Indians are still illiterate. In cities such as Delhi and Bangalore, thatched roofs are often intertwined with the skyscrapers of multinational corporations. This is a magical country like Bollywood, although it is imperfect and even polarized.


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